How to Tell if Your Cat Has Fleas

Fleas are common parasites that often find ways to stick to your beloved furry pets, especially dogs or cats. They feed on their host’s blood, lay eggs and in this way spread over the pet’s body. Their tiny body size plus the dark brown color make it easy for them to mingle with the habitat. If you raise a dog or cat as a pet, you should expect to find fleas on them at some point. They may bite and leave itchy and painful spots on your pet’s body and this can be really annoying for the poor animal. For those of you who own a cat, you will find this article especially useful as it focuses on the question of how to tell if your cat has fleas.

A cat that is free of fleas will behave differently from a cat that is being attacked by fleas. Thus, in order to answer the question, “How to tell if your cat has fleas”, we will look for the differences in behavior of your cat when its body is full of pesky parasites. Early flea detection is necessary in order for you to take action quickly because fleas multiply in number very fast. The sooner you know that there is a flea infestation, the quicker you will be able to take action to treat it. Otherwise, fleas may not just disturb your cat but your own well-being as well.


How to tell if your cat has fleas

Fleas often bite their host and their bites become terribly itchy. The itchy bites will cause the pet to feel like scratching. “How to tell if your cat has fleas” is answered by watching out if your cat is scratching its body to relieve itself of the crazy itchiness. Sometimes, your kitty will even bite itself for the purpose of catching fleas and getting rid of itchy irritation. These are symptoms you can easily notice and know that your pet is being troubled by fleas.

Excessive grooming

Cats are graceful in the way that they gently groom their fur. We may find it normal as they do it quite often. However, it is abnormal if your cat keeps grooming itself all the time and that is one way to tell that your cat has fleas. The pet is being irritated by flea bites and it is trying to soothe the pain and itchiness by licking their body. You may pay attention to areas on their body that fleas are most likely to be found. If the cat keeps licking its armpits, groin, legs or tail then this is probably where the fleas are.

Avoiding certain places

Animals are intelligent in their own way. If you keep an eye on your cats, you will notice some of the places where they often hang out. Let’s take the carpet, sofa or somewhere in the garden for example. Those places could be the areas which are populated with fleas and cause them a lot of itchiness or discomfort everytime they go there. As a result, cats will frequent these places less often than usual. If you notice this sudden avoidance, it is a clue that your cat probably has fleas.

Signs of anemia

If your cat is heavily infested by fleas, there is a high chance that it could be suffering from anemia. Some symptoms of anemia you need to remember are lethargy or fatigue, muscle loss and pale gums. In other words, your cat will not be as active as usual so a check by your vet is advisable to see if it has anemia or not.

Hair loss

Hair loss may result from many reasons, one being continuous scratching and biting. Flea bites could be the cause of all of this or flea saliva could be the source of an allergy to sensitive cats and they react by scratching excessively. This ultimately results in patches of hair loss.

Double check with a flea comb

How to tell if your cat has fleas

In order to know for sure that your kitty is infested with fleas, comb through its fur with a flea or lice comb. Start combing its coat from head to tail and pay attention to places that fleas are very likely to be hiding such as the armpit, groin, neck or ear. The tiny dark brown parasites are easy to detected while combing. It is a good idea to have a dish of soapy water nearby so that you can dip the comb into it to kill any fleas you remove with the comb. Even you find no fleas but your cat’s body is full of red spots or irritated skin, the chances are that fleas are the cause. This evidence alone is clear enough to conclude that there are fleas on your cat.  

As you can tell, it is not difficult to find the answer to the question, “How to tell if your cat has fleas?” To recap, watch out for abnormal behaviour in your cat; check for excessive scratching or grooming; notice whether the cat no longer hangs out in places it used to frequent. Also, check for signs of anemia or hair loss on parts of its body. If you want to have a closer look at its fur, comb the hair and check it for fleas.

As soon as you know that your cat is being troubled by fleas, prompt action must be taken to deal with the problem. Unfortunately, the few fleas you see on your cat are probably just the tip of the iceberg. If you do not treat the problem promptly, your entire home could soon have a flea infestation.

Cats are more sensitive than dogs are so addressing fleas on a cat’s body needs greater care and patience. A flea comb is one of the methods you can use to remove fleas from your cat. If you intend to treat fleas with a comb, you will have to keep doing it until no more fleas can be found on your pet’s body.

Another method is to purchase a flea collar or buy special flea medication from your vet. Professional help from a vet is essential if your own efforts at curing your cat of fleas fail. It is also important to wash your pet’s bedding in very hot soapy water, as well as vacuum any carpets, rugs or other places in the house that are infested with fleas in order to create a healthy living environment. Keep your house spotlessly clean to get rid of flea eggs, larvae or adult fleas altogether.

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton

Does Vinegar Kill Fleas?

If your pets or your house is infested with fleas, you’re probably desperate to find a solution to combat the invasion. There is a wide range of flea controlling products available on the market but finding one which is safe to use for your pet or family is the concern. Flea sprays and flea bombs may help to put things in order quickly but they are poisonous chemical products that may affect the environment and the well-being of your pets or your family if they come into contact with them.

If you really want a non-toxic natural remedy to treat fleas, we recommend that you try vinegar. Perhaps you’re wondering, “Does vinegar really kill fleas?” Many may doubt whether this common liquid which is found in almost every kitchen or pantry can really put an end to a flea’s life. Let’s find out together.

Vinegar properties

Vinegar has been in use for thousands of years thanks to its various health benefits. The liquid is not simply a combination of acetic acid and water but contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber and other beneficial compounds depending on the source of the materials or the organic substances that have been used to create the vinegar.

Products which are high in sugar such as fruit, rice, or barley are ideal materials to use to produce vinegar which is beneficial to our well-being in so many ways. It helps to control blood glucose levels that are typically a problem for diabetes patients. Vinegar is also effective in controlling high cholesterol, helping with weight loss, promoting heart health or preventing infections.

Now we come back to our question, “Does vinegar kill fleas?” What are the properties of vinegar that enable it to repel fleas? The answer is its acidic nature.  Some argue that vinegar just repels fleas rather than kills them due the unpleasant smell that fleas can hardly stand. Others state that vinegar does kill fleas if the insects come into contact with the liquid because of the fact that the acidity of the vinegar causes the exoskeletons of the pests to become corroded or dehydrated, causing them to die.

Put simply, vinegar does kill fleas in these ways, or at the very least it makes the habitat no longer favorable for them to survive in. This means that the answer to the question, “Does vinegar kill fleas?” is “Yes!” Now that we know this, let’s find out how we can use vinegar to fight against fleas.

Vinegar could be utilized in many ways to treat fleas and we will go through those methods one by one.


The formula for a spray bottle mixture to treat fleas is one part of vinegar mixed with one part of water. Therefore, if you have a bottle, fill it halfway with vinegar and then to the top with water. Among all the different types of vinegar, apple cider vinegar is your best choice. Now that you have the mixture, spray it on the flea-infested areas of your home such as carpets, rugs, under sofas or on pet bedding. It can be sprayed onto your pets’ fur as well. Those fleas coming into contact with the vinegar will be killed while others will be repelled by the smell.

Mixing with pet water

Does vinegar kill fleas

You may know that fleas feed on your pets’ blood, and that is the reason why they stay as parasites on the host’s body. If we can make the host’s blood no longer edible for fleas, they will have no reason to cling to the pet. Vinegar will help out here. By simply adding some vinegar to your pets’ drinking water their blood will become more acidic and fleas will not want to feast on it. 

Of course, if your pets realize that the water tastes strongly of vinegar, they will not want to drink it. Thus, you need to be careful to add just a little bit of vinegar into the drinking water so that they won’t notice anything strange. Obviously, the vinegar in the drinking water will not kill the fleas, but it will keep them away from your pets. A word of warning though- do not try this method for cats as the water will be too acidic for them.

Soaking in vinegar

Should you have carpets, rugs, or bedding which are infested with fleas, soak them in water mixed with vinegar and all fleas and their off-spring will be killed. It may take a few hours for the mixture to take effect so make sure you allow sufficient time for the items to soak in the vinegar mixture.

Pet bathing with vinegar

There are flea shampoo products that are effective for controlling fleas on your pets’ bodies. However, a cheaper method is to try bathing your pets with vinegar. Wet their fur, shampoo their body, adding some vinegar to the shampoo. Rub it all over their body so that the fur is well coated. Allow the mixture to stay on your pet for 10 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

Does vinegar kill fleas

 Alternatively, you may choose to bath your pets with shampoo and then add some vinegar to the rinse water. A vinegar rinse is effective in repelling fleas as the smell is so unpleasant for them. You should do this on a regular basis until no more fleas are noticed on the pets. One thing to note here is that some cats and dogs have more sensitive skin and may be allergic to the vinegar. Do look out for this. If your pets are allergic to vinegar, you will have to find other natural remedies such as tea tree oil. Although the answer to the question, “Does vinegar kill fleas?” is “Yes”, we are obviously not going to use this method if it’s harming our pets.

All things being taken into consideration, vinegar has been proven to be a cheap natural and effective remedy to treat fleas. You may still be wondering “Does vinegar kill fleas?” but you can be assured that once vinegar had been applied to control fleas, the results will be positive. To recap: as we’ve seen, there are many ways you can use vinegar to combat fleas. Spray a mixture of vinegar and water onto flea-infested places; add a few drops of vinegar to your pet’s drinking water; soak bedding, carpets and rugs in vinegar; bath the pets troubled by fleas with vinegar or rinse their fur with the liquid to repel the parasites.

Whichever method you use remember to keep a close watch on your pet for any adverse reactions. If your pets show any type of sensitivity to the acidity of the vinegar, look for other ways to get rid of the fleas. There are many other natural non-toxic ingredients you can use instead of vinegar.

The key here is not to always be needing to kill fleas but to make your pets and environment one that fleas don’t like to be in. Fleas will not want to live in a clean and tidy place with few undisturbed places to hide and to breed. Fleas like to live in unmowed grass, among uncleared fallen leaves or in wet stacks of firewood. Indoors, they like dark, dirty, undisturbed spaces. When pets hang out in those places, fleas jump up to stick onto this host’s body and travel here and there in your house. Therefore, try stop the source of fleas by cleaning up your living environment regularly and also cleaning the flea transporter – your pet.

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton

Best Flea Shampoo for Dogs Review for 2019

Fleas are always a grave problem that pet owners with dogs need to handle as these tiny insects will relentlessly attack your puppy leaving him irritated and itchy. Also, some serious diseases are transmitted by fleas so you need to purchase a decent pet flea shampoo to get your dog’s coat clean as well as to kill those annoying and dangerous fleas.

Before finding a suitable product , some try a homemade liquid made of dish detergent, water, and vinegar to get rid of a flea problem. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work and can lead to skin allergies. Thus, in today’s article, I will be glad to help you choose the best flea shampoo for dogs. 

Best Flea Shampoo for Dogs – Comparison Table

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best flea shampoo for dogs

Wahl Dog/Pet shampoo – Pet-Friendly, PH Balanced, Paraben Free

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4-Legger Certified Organic Dog Shampoo – All Natural and Hypoallergenic with Aloe and Lemongrass, Soothing for Normal, Dry, Itchy or Allergy Sensitive Skin

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Wondercide Natural Flea & Tick Shampoo Bar for Dogs & Cats to Kill & Repel Fleas

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Pet Shampoo – Easily Removes Odors, Dirt & Itchy Dander – Awesome Results Guaranteed

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Natural Chemistry De Flea Concentrate Flea and Tick Shampoo

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Mycodex Flea Tick Shampoo P3 Triple Strength Pyrethrin

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Paws & Pals Flea and Tick Shampoo-Conditioner Scrub for Dogs & Cats – Moisurizes, Deodorizes, Detangles Fur Coat (Flea & Tick)

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best flea shampoo for dogs

Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo with Precor for Dogs and Cats

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best flea shampoo for dogs

All Natural Dog Shampoo for Dry, Itchy & Sensitive Skin by Critter Concepts|Most Effective, Allergy Relief Formula with Tea-Tree Oil & Vitamins

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best flea shampoo for dogs

Organic Pet Shampoo & Conditioner: Neem Extract for Dry Skin, Itching, Hot Spot Relief, Moisturizing, Consistent Texture – For Shiny & Healthy Hair/Coat

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Best Flea Shampoo for Dogs Review

Wahl Dog/Pet shampoo – Pet Friendly, PH Balanced, Paraben Free

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The first product in my reviews of the best flea shampoo for dogs today is Wahl’s Flea and Tick Shampoo that is formulated with natural fragrances – cedar oil, mint, and rosemary- to kill fleas and ticks. The expected duration of effectiveness should be about one week, and of course, you do not have to use any toxic chemicals.

Also, after a few times of use, your dog’s coat will be clean and shiny. With frequent use, you can help your pet get rid of fleas for the whole season without any application of harsh detergents. The product is PEG-80 free which means it will not cause allergic reactions.

On the negative side, Wahl’s Flea and Tick Shampoo might cause dryness for those with highly sensitive skin. Also, the consistency is quite thin, which means that you have to use a lot on a large dog. 


  • Natural fragrances
  • Pleasant smell
  • Kills and inhibits fleas 


  • Potential dryness to the extremely sensitive skin
  • Thin consistency 

4-Legger Certified Organic Dog Shampoo – All Natural and Hypoallergenic with Aloe and Lemongrass, Soothing for Normal, Dry, Itchy or Allergy Sensitive Skin

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One of the main factors which makes this 4-Legger USDA Certified Organic Dog Shampoo a choice of the best flea shampoo for dogs is that it is 100% natural and contains lemongrass and aloe which are safe for your lovely dog. Likewise, this is suitable for normal, to itchy and dry, allergic, or sensitive skin at any ages since it will not strip the natural oil from your pet’s coat.

Apart from killing fleas, 4-Legger Certified Organic Dog Shampoo is easy to apply and rinse off and will not leave a sticky mess. With sustainable ingredients, the product is biodegradable.

However, we recommend that for long-haired dogs you use a conditioner afterwards, as the animal’s thick coat is likely to get tangled after using it. Also, some may find the strong lemongrass smell a bit unpleasant. 


  • 100% natural
  • Easy to apply
  • Safe for both young and adult dogs
  • Kills fleas, and leaves a clean and fresh skin


  • Causes tangled fur
  • Unpleasantly strong lemongrass smell

Wondercide Natural Flea & Tick Shampoo Bar for Dogs & Cats to Kill & Repel Fleas

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As one of the best flea shampoos for dogs, Wondercide Natural Flea and Tick Shampoo Bar is effective in repelling insects for pets at any ages as it is antibacterial and antifungal. It provides gentle cleaning. The product is natural, organic, and biodegradable. Therefore, it is safe even for sensitive skin.

In spite of those advantages, the bar might scratch your dog’s skin if you apply too hard. The smell is also a bit too strong. 


  • Repels fleas at any stage of their lifecycle
  • Biodegradable 


  • Might scratch the skin
  • Unpleasant smell

Pet Shampoo – Easily Removes Odors, Dirt & Itchy Dander – Awesome Results Guaranteed

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Unlike many flea shampoos on the market, this Pet Shampoo comes with a money-back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with the results. It is user-friendly and leaves your dog with a very clean, soft skin. Furthermore, the liquid is gentle enough for you to use on both puppies and adult dogs thanks to its natural ingredients without harsh chemicals.

You know, even the best flea shampoo for dogs still has its flaws! Firstly, this product seems to make the skin a little dry, so be careful when lathering your pet. Secondly, the pump tends to leak liquid even when you are not using it. 


  • Great smell
  • Easy to use and rinse off
  • Safe for both puppies and adult dogs 


  • Dries the skin
  • Leaking pump 

Natural Chemistry De Flea Concentrate Flea and Tick Shampoo

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De Flea Pet Shampoo is concentrated so you must dilute it with water. Although it does not contain any toxic chemical based pesticides, the product still kills fleas on contact at any stage of their life cycle. Aside from fleas, the product can also kill other insects, for example, lice.

As one of the best flea shampoos for dogs, the ingredients are natural, and the product is biodegradable so it will not inflict harm on your pets, your family, or the environment. On the other hand, the smell is quite strong, and the directions on the label may result in confusion between knowing whether to dilute it with water or apply it directly. 


  • Kills insects on contact at any stage of their life cycle
  • Gentle
  • Biodegradable 


  • Strong smell
  • Directions are confusing

Mycodex Flea Tick Shampoo P3 Triple Strength Pyrethrin

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Mycodex Flea Tick Shampoo is powerful enough to eliminate insects on contact so that it can be considered as an option as the best flea shampoo for dogs, with aloe vera, coconut extract, and lanolin, the concentrate has been formulated for even ultra-sensitive skin. 

Your dog will be left smelling fresh and with beautifully soft skin after bathing with this shampoo. However, you should not use it on kittens or puppies under 12 weeks of age as the concentrate includes pyrethrin. In addition, remember to wear gloves as the liquid can cause irritation to your hands.


  • Kills insects on contact
  • Produced for sensitive skin
  • Pleasant scent 


  • Contains pyrethrins
  • May cause irritation to your hands

Paws & Pals Flea and Tick Shampoo-Conditioner Scrub for Dogs & Cats – Moisurizes, Deodorizes, Detangles Fur Coat (Flea & Tick)

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Paws & Pal’s Flea and Tick Shampoo is worth a try since it kills adult fleas and ticks and their eggs on contact while still being very gentle on your dog’s skin. This is all due to the key ingredients which include aloe vera, shea butter, oatmeal, and paraben. The product has been carefully formulated for sensitive and dry skin and is one of the best flea shampoos for dogs.

Despite those benefits, the bottle appears much bigger than it is in reality. The scent is a bit weak and does not last long. 


  • Eliminates insects and their eggs on contact
  • Leaves pets with a clean, soft skin and coat
  • Safe for puppies


  • Small bottle
  • Weak scent 

Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo with Precor for Dogs and Cats

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It is not surprising that this big name – Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo- has been included in the list of the best flea shampoo for dogs. It is good at finishing off fleas, ticks, and lice as well as their eggs and larvae. With soothing aloe, coconut extract, oatmeal, and lanolin, you can use this product on puppies, dogs, kittens, and cats. Also, Adams Shampoo will provide up to 28 days of control of premature fleas.

On the minus side, it does not kill 100% of all the fleas, so you will need to use additional treatments. Meanwhile, the liquid is a bit harsh on sensitive skin. 


  • Eliminates both adult and premature fleas
  • Can be applied to both young and mature pets
  • Provides 28 days of control of premature fleas 


  • Have to use with other treatments
  • A little harsh 

All Natural Dog Shampoo for Dry, Itchy & Sensitive Skin by Critter Concepts|Most Effective, Allergy Relief Formula with Tea-Tree Oil & Vitamins|Soothe Hot Spots, Moisturize and Combat Skin Irritation

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Thanks to the healing ingredients – Vitamin E, B5, shea butter, sunflower oil, and tea-tree oil- All Natural Dog Shampoo will soothe your pets’ aching skin from allergies, hot spots, and dryness. Considering the factor of the best flea shampoo for dogs, it will also give your dog a silky soft, clean, and great smelling skin and coat. It is budget-friendly because of its concentrated formula.

However, you might find it difficult to dilute the shampoo with water. It might also take you a long time to see the result of relieving allergies and itches. 


  • Contains natural healing ingredients
  • Leaves great smelling and soft skin
  • Saves a lot of money 


  • Difficult to dilute the liquid with water
  • No immediate results 

Organic Pet Shampoo & Conditioner: Neem Extract for Dry Skin, Itching, Hot Spot Relief, Moisturizing, Consistent Texture – For Shiny & Healthy Hair/Coat

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If you are seeking a 2-in-1 product, Pet Diesel – Organic Pet Shampoo & Conditioner should be considered. The main reason that it appears in my reviews of the best flea shampoo for dogs is the use of natural ingredients – essential oils, herbal extracts, and organic minerals. With shea butter, your pet will have shiny and soft skin.

Additionally, being made from biodegradable materials, Pet Diesel Shampoo and Conditioner is 100% eco-friendly. The tear-free formula has been specially designed for ultra-sensitive skin. Although it is an organic product, not everyone will like its strong smell. It has also been reported that the shampoo does not fully eliminate all fleas.


  • 2-in-1 product
  • 100% organic with no-tear formula
  • Good to use with other flea treatments 


  • Heavy scent
  • Does not kill 100% of fleas

How to choose the best flea shampoo for dogs

Unfortunately, there is no product that can fit all situations, so you need to understand a few fundamental factors to help you determine the best flea shampoo for dogs. Here are the basic elements for you to take into consideration before coming to a final decision.

Skin Conditions 

It’s very important before using any new product that you check if your pet has any skin problems. These may include flaky, itchy or dry skin. To deal with these conditions, opt for a moisturizing shampoo instead of a scented one. The reason is that the former often contains natural ingredients like vitamin E, oatmeal, or honey while the latter tends to include chemicals further irritating the skin.


Like us, the skin of puppies is much more sensitive than that of adult dogs. Therefore, if you are keeping a little one, find a shampoo which is specially produced for young individuals. These products are gentle and often made with a no-tear formula to avoid irritation even if the liquid gets into the puppy’s eyes.


Dogs often like to dig in the garbage and other smelly things. This is why it’s good to use a shampoo with a long-lasting scent. However, you may want to avoid products which have too strong an odor as you and your pet may find it unpleasant.

Shampoo ingredients

When shopping for any products, including the best flea shampoo for dogs, examining the ingredients is a must. You should reject any product that contains artificial dyes and fragrances because they are more likely to irritate your pet’s eyes and skin. Instead, those with natural fragrances, such as citrus, eucalyptus, lavender, or chamomile, would be a wiser choice. 

Check other pet care products:

To Sum Up

Well, that’s the end of today’s article! In general, all the products that have been mentioned above take advantage of natural ingredients and have a gentle effect on pets’ skin while still retaining their effectiveness in repelling fleas. The winner today is Wahl’s Flea and Tick Shampoo. The scent is very pleasant because the manufacturer does not combine too many strong ingredients. Also, your pet’s coat will become shinier with continued use.

I hope that you’ve found my reviews of the best flea shampoo for dogs and my in-depth buying guide useful. If you have concerns, please leave a comment below. Thanks so much for reading! 

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton








Best Flea Shampoo for Cats Review for 2018

As you have probably noticed, cats lick themselves regularly all through the day, making them naturally one of the cleanest pets to own. That doesn’t mean they can get rid of small insects that might be hiding in their fur, though. So, if you notice them scratching and suspect they may have fleas, what you need to do is to find the best flea shampoo for cats to get rid of these pests. How does one choose a good one when there are tons of products on the market?Well, I’m here to help you. Just read this article, and then you can learn:

  • The top products available on the market
  • Which ones are good value for money
  • A clear buying guide for how to pick out a good one
  • My suggestions for good shampoos 

What are you waiting for? Read further and find out!

Best Flea Shampoo for Cats – Comparison Table

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best flea shampoo for cats

Curaseb Antifungal & Antibacterial Chlorhexidine Shampoo for Dogs & Cats

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Jackie Doodles Organic Pet Shampoo – Easily Removes Odors, Dirt & Itchy Dander

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best flea shampoo for cats

South Bark’s – Blueberry Facial for Cats and Dogs

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best cat flea shampoo

Particular Paws Hypoallergenic Dog and Cat Shampoo

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best flea shampoo for cats

Pupkiss Complete Care All-in-One Natural Pet Shampoo

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best cat flea shampoo

Pets Are Kids Too Premium Pet Oatmeal Shampoo & Conditioner for Dogs & Cats

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best flea shampoo for cats

VETiONX Defendex – All-Natural Flea, Tick, and Mange Shampoo for Dogs and Cats

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best cat flea shampoo

Radiance Naturals All-Natural Pet Oatmeal & Aloe Shampoo Plus Conditioner for Dogs, Cats, and Puppies

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Fresh ‘n Clean Flea and Tick Conditioning Shampoo for Dogs and Cats

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Fresh ‘n Clean Flea and Tick Conditioning Shampoo for Dogs and Cats

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A closer look at the best flea shampoo for cat reviews

Curaseb Antifungal & Antibacterial Chlorhexidine Shampoo for Dogs and Cats

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The first best flea shampoo for cats on my list is Curaseb Antifungal & Antibacterial Chlorhexidine Shampoo from Bexley Labs. As its name suggests, this shampoo has both antifungal and antibacterial properties which help to prevent inflammation and itchiness on your cat.

This product contains both chlorhexidine and ketoconazole which are known to be active ingredients to kill fungi, bacteria, parasites, and yeasts effectively. Also, it contains a powerful deodorizer that gently cleans away any excess oil on your cat’s skin and gets rid of bad odors. Plus, it has a pleasing cucumber-melon aroma.

This shampoo is made in the US, and it comes with stringent safety guidelines and quality standards. Because of all these factors, it’s highly recommended by veterinarians. 


  • Contains active ingredients
  • Effectively deals with a variety of infections
  • Ideal for sensitive skin
  • Made in the US
  • Suitable for both cats and dogs
  • A refund if you’re unsatisfied


  • The shampoo might leave a red color if you don’t rinse your cat well enough
  • You have to let it sit on your pet for several minutes before rinsing off

Jackie Doodles Organic Pet Shampoo – Easily Removes Odors, Dirt & Itchy Dander

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If you’re scouting around for the best cat flea shampoo which is rich in organic essential oil, check out Pet Shampoo from Jackie Doodles now.

It contains coconut oil (which has antifungal, antibacterial and moisturizing properties), olive oil (anti-aging properties), and jojoba oil (which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties).

When these essential oils are combined, they will bring the best to your cat’s skin with quick and effective results. Not only does it work well for eliminating fleas and treating flea bites but it also removes dirt and even dander.

Since this pet shampoo comes in a pump bottle, it’s easy to use. However, a BIG note of caution is you should not to leave it to sit on your pet’s skin for too long. Remember to rinse carefully to get a good smell of natural lemongrass aroma. 


  • Organic and natural
  • Safe for both cats and dogs
  • Gets rid of fleas, dirt and dander efficiently
  • Stop itching and inflammation
  • Convenient to use thanks to a pump bottle
  • Recommended by vets


  • Some dislike the lemongrass scent
  • Rinse carefully to avoid an oily film on the pet

South Bark’s – Blueberry Facial for Cats and Dogs

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South Bark’s boasts of introducing its 3-in-1 product that you can use as a full body shampoo, color brightener, and facial cleaner for your pet.

This best flea shampoo for cats contains jojoba and coconut essential oils, blueberry extract, aloe, avocado, and vitamins. These all combine to bring a relaxing and cleansing experience for your cats, dogs, and even kittens and puppies. Thanks to the therapeutic aroma and balanced pH levels, it’s easy to give your pet an enjoyable bath.

Before applying, it’s best to first dilute it in a ratio of 8:1 with water to cleanse the cat. Remember to use weekly to prevent a flea recurrence.


  • 3-in-1 product
  • Gives your pet a soft, clean and bright fur
  • Comes with a gentle scent
  • Ideal for sensitive skin
  • Made in the US


  • A bit sticky if you don’t rinse well enough
  • Some claim that the aroma disappears after rinsing

Particular Paws Hypoallergenic Dog and Cat Shampoo

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Particular Paws Hypoallergenic is an excellent shampoo for dogs and cats that have delicate and sensitive skin.

This best cat flea shampoo is made with all-natural ingredients. For instance, it contains chamomile for cleansing and deodorizing the fur and skin. Meanwhile, there is also aloe vera in it for protecting and moisturizing. Additionally, the honey extract and rosemary work as antioxidizing agents for making your pets smell great after bathing.

Thanks to a proper combination of ingredients, this shampoo effectively gets rid of grime, dirt, and dander. It stops dryness and itchiness, prevents allergies, eliminates strong odors, and improves your four-legged friends’ coat texture.

Last but not least, Particular Paws is made in the US in a GMP compliant facility. You can even ask for a refund if you feel unsatisfied with the results. 


  • Suitable for pets with sensitive skin
  • No harmful chemicals
  • Easy to rinse
  • Soothes irritated and dry skin efficiently
  • Offers 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • Made in the US


  • Only good for soothing, but not for curing irritation
  • Some claim that the scent is too strong

·       Only good for soothing, but not for curing irritation

·       Some claim that the scent is too strong

Pupkiss Complete Care All-in-One Natural Pet Shampoo

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Another product that is advertised as the best flea shampoo for cats is All-in-One Natural Pet Shampoo from Pupkiss Pets.

It’s designed to clean, deodorize, moisturize, detangle, and condition thanks to the natural ingredients it contains. For example, it contains palm oil which is rich in antioxidants and vitamins as well as coconut oil which has natural antifungal and antibacterial properties. So, it’s great for irritated, dry, and flaky skin as well as serving as an excellent moisturizer.

Aside from the benefit of its natural ingredients, this shampoo is creamy and pH-balanced. It efficiently removes dirt and calms and soothes itchiness and allergies from your pets’ coat.

You will see how your pets enjoy their bath thanks to the fresh, calming aroma. Once it’s dry, their coats will be shiny, smooth and silky so that you can kiss them without worrying. 


  • 5-in-1 pet shampoo
  • Soap-free with no harsh chemicals
  • Good for pets with itchy and sensitive skin
  • Reduces scratching
  • Easy to use and rinse
  • Gets a full refund if you’re feeling unsatisfied


  • Some want more lather when bathing
  • Did nothing for dogs with dry skin 

Pets Are Kids Too Premium Pet Oatmeal Shampoo & Conditioner for Dogs & Cats

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Allergies or any conditions related to the skin and fur are common in cats and dogs. Hence, you need to find a soothing shampoo that is useful for pets with allergic skin.

Premium Pet Oatmeal Shampoo with aloe vera and baking soda from Pets Are Kids is excellent for allergies. It contains no chemicals, additives, alcohol, or detergent that might provoke your pet’s skin.

Plus, this best cat flea shampoo is infused with vitamins, emulsifiers, oat proteins, glycerin, wheat glycerides, fragrance oils and deionized water. If your cat is itchy or uncomfortable, just use this product, and you are sure to see impressive results. 


  • 100% organic
  • Treats allergies effectively
  • Make pets’ skin soft and shiny
  • Easy to rinse
  • Affordable price
  • Offers a lifetime refund
  • Made in the US
  • Recommended by vets


  • Some claim that the scent is too overpowering
  • The bottle is sometimes broken on delivery
  • Doesn’t actually kill fleas

VETiONX Defendex – All-Natural Flea, Tick, and Mange Shampoo for Dogs and Cats

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As its name suggests, VETiONX Defendex will protect your pets from fleas, ticks, mange as well as skin damage from itchiness and scratching. It’s safe to apply to young and sensitive pets.

This best flea shampoo for cats is a proprietary homeopathic shampoo that utilizes the soothing power of active homeopathic ingredients and essential oils to bring relief from irritation to the skin naturally.

After using, you won’t worry that your cat’s skin gets redness, scabbing, itchiness, inflammation, soreness or sensitivity. It will even help to prevent further infestation. And after every bath, your pets’ skin will be healthy and soft so that you can play with them freely. 


  • Effectively deals with fleas, ticks, and mange
  • Safe for young and sensitive pets
  • No harmful ingredients
  • Soothes problematic skin conditions
  • Comes with a pleasing scent


  • A high price for a small bottle
  • Avoid overusing since this shampoo might dry pets’ skin

Radiance Naturals All-Natural Pet Oatmeal & Aloe Shampoo Plus Conditioner for Dogs, Cats, and Puppies

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The next best cat flea shampoo on my list is made by Radiance Naturals. This product efficiently soothes dry and itchy skin, both of which are common symptoms of allergies. Thanks to a combination of oatmeal and aloe vera, it offers cooling relief and healing to your cats that keep on scratching on their skin.

Additionally, this shampoo has a variety of vitamins that are good for fur and skin. It works as both a shampoo and a conditioner. Best of all, it comes at an affordable price.

Since every ingredient is extracted from nature, your pets will be able to restore their natural skin oils and have a beautifully moisturized coat after bathing. Without dangerous synthetics, your cat won’t get nose or eye irritation while bathing.

Besides all these benefits, Radiance Naturals leaves a fresh scent, keeping your pet smelling great at all times. Similar to other leading brands, this product offers a 100% money-back guarantee. 


  • Includes natural ingredients
  • Works as both shampoo and conditioner
  • Soothes irritation for cats and dogs
  • Comes at a good price
  • Leaves a fresh aroma after bathing
  • 100% money back guarantee


  • Some claim that your pet’s skin becomes dry if used repeatedly

Fresh ‘n Clean Flea and Tick Conditioning Shampoo for Dogs and Cats

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By using natural pyrethrins, this product from Fresh ’n Clean guarantees to eliminate fleas and ticks within two weeks after use. To benefit from the full effect, you need to lather it directly into your cat’s hair without diluting it.

This best flea shampoo for cats is formulated to be gentle on the coat texture. Besides this, it leaves a fresh and clean scent that can be refreshed by running a dampened cloth over the cat a week after the first use. If your cat has sensitive skin, feel free to use it because it’s designed to be soothing and mild. Fresh ’n Clean shampoo is suitable for those who need a relatively inexpensive yet still efficient way to kill and repel fleas.


  • Effectively kills fleas and ticks thanks to natural pyrethrins
  • Prevents fleas from reoccurring
  • Can be applied to kittens over twelve weeks old
  • Reasonable price for a big bottle
  • No harmful ingredients


  • The scent might be unusual to some people
  • You need to bathe your cat several times to get rid of all pests

Adams Plus Flea and Tick Dog and Cat Shampoo with Precor

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The final option of the best cat flea shampoos is Adams Plus. Similar to the other products above, it’s easy to use, convenient, versatile and can be applied to both dogs and cats.

Although this shampoo isn’t totally natural, it is still an excellent choice because aloe, oatmeal, coconut extract, and lanolin have all been added to its formula. Due to these natural moisturizers, every bath with it will make your cat’s skin soft and its fur shiny.

Aside from killing fleas, ticks, lice, larvae and fleas’ eggs, Adam Plus can be used to wipe out scales, dirt, and dandruff. Of course, it prevents allergies and scratches from developing. Avoid using it to bathe cats with open wounds. 


  • Eliminate fleas, ticks, larvae, and eggs effectively
  • Cleans and deodorizes your pet’s skin thanks to Precor
  • Easy to rinse
  • Leaves a pleasing scent and soft, shiny coat
  • Offers nice foamy lather


  • A bit expensive

How To Choose The Best Flea Shampoo For Cats

Do you need to kill fleas or prevent them?

First of all, you have to determine which type of best cat flea shampoo you are needing. Do you want to eliminate the fleas on your cat or do you need shampoo to prevent fleas?Remember that this is critical because many flea shampoos don’t truly kill fleas. Some are only designed to soothe irritated and flea-bitten skin. 

Choose cat flea shampoo or dog flea shampoo

You should know that cats are more likely to get negative reactions to certain insecticides than dogs are. One of the main reasons is that they lick their fur, so will ingest some of the shampoo. Additionally, they are smaller than dogs and have a more sensitive metabolism.

That means that shampoos with certain insecticides might be okay for dogs, but should never be applied to cats. Hence, always read the labels and ensure that the product is safe for both. 

Check the skin type of your cats

Picking up the wrong shampoo might damage your cat’s skin. That’s why you need to determine which skin type your pet has. Below are some examples:

  • Best flea shampoo for cats with sensitive skin
  • Shampoos for cats with itchy skin and allergies
  • Medicated cat shampoos
  • Shampoos for controlling shedding in cats.

Select both shampoo and conditioner

Aside from shampooing, using a conditioner can replace natural oils and leave your pet’s coat soft and shiny. Moreover, it covers and seals the hair shaft, making the hair smoother and manageable to comb. This is especially ideal for long-haired cats.

To Sum Up

Off all the products above, Curaseb Antifungal & Antibacterial Chlorhexidine Shampoo from Bexley Labs is the best flea shampoo for cats, in my opinion.

This product contains active ingredients that eliminate yeast, bacteria, fungus, ringworm, etc. efficiently. Besides this, it removes bad odors by leaving a pleasing scent after every bath. This shampoo is made in the US so that guarantees a high quality when using.

In case you feel unhappy, just contact the supplier for a refund. However, I believe that will not be necessary and that you will be as happy as I have been.

I hope this article has provided you with some useful information. If you have any questions just type them in the box below and you’ll get my reply within 24 hours. Since I’m a pet lover too, I’m more than happy to help you. 

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton

Best Flea Treatment for Dogs Review

Fleas might be small in size, but they are no joke, because they are known as the main culprit to cause your beloved dogs extreme itching, skin infections, and hot spots. As an owner, you need to help your best friend prevent an uncomfortable flea infestation. But how? Since you’re here, I will show you a list of the best flea treatment for dogs that all work by eliminating pests at all stages of their life cycle. I also provide you with a buying guide that guarantees that you will bring home the best medication for your puppies.

Don’t hesitate anymore! Let’s start now!

Best Flea Treatment for Dogs – Comparison Table

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Bayer Advantage II Topical Flea Treatment Dogs – Large Dog

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Bayer Advantage II Topical Flea Treatment Dogs – Medium Dog

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Bayer Advantage II Topical Flea Treatment Dogs – Small Dog

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Bayer Advantage II Topical Flea Treatment Dogs – Extra Large Dog

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FRONTLINE Plus for Dogs Large Dog (45 to 88 pounds) Flea and Tick Treatment, 6 Doses

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FRONTLINE Plus for Dogs Small Dog (5-22 pounds) Flea and Tick Treatment, 6 Doses

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K9 Advantix II Flea, Tick and Mosquito prevention

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FRONTLINE Plus for Dogs Medium Dog (23-44 pounds) Flea and Tick Treatment, 6 Doses

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FRONTLINE Plus for Dogs Extra Large Dog (89 to 132 pounds) Flea and Tick Treatment, 6 Doses

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Dog & Cat MD Maximum Defense QuickTabs Nitenpyram Flea Treatment, 2-25 lbs, 6 Tablets by Dog MD

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Best Flea Treatment For Dog Reviews

Bayer Advantage II Topical Flea Treatment Dogs – Large Dog

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The first best flea treatment for dogs that I want to mention is Bayer Advantage II Topical – Large Dog. This product is known as a good way to help you deal with a flea infestation effectively. It eliminates up to 99% of larvae and eggs within 20 minutes and 98% of all fleas within 12 hours.

Besides this, it breaks the life cycle and prevents further flea populations. When used correctly, it keeps working for 4 weeks. No new fleas can find a way back to your dog within 2 hours.

Bayer Advantage II Topical comes in a single tube that you can press onto the dog’s skin. Since it’s for large dogs, you should apply the formula at 3 or 4 different positions along their back. Don’t worry if they run in the rain or go swimming since it is waterproof. 


  • Effectively eliminates fleas in 12 hours
  • Prevents reproduction cycle in about 20 minutes
  • Long protection time of up to 4 weeks
  • Waterproof and odorless
  • Available over-the-counter
  • Veterinarian recommended


  • It might be difficult to apply to thick-coated dogs
  • May cause skin allergies in sensitive dogs

Bayer Advantage II Topical Flea Treatment Dogs – Medium Dog

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The next best flea treatment for dogs also comes from Bayer, but it’s mainly for medium-sized dogs which weigh between 11 to 20lbs.

With two active ingredients including pyriproxyfen and imidacloprid, this product will eliminate adult fleas and break the fleas’ life cycle efficiently. Additionally, it prevents insects from staying as soon as they are in contact with your pet.

Just use Bayer Advantage II Topical once a month, and it will wipe out at least 98% of fleas. Even better, it stops the re-infesting of fleas within 2 hours. Another interesting thing is that this product has water-resistant properties. That means it’s still active on your dog even after swimming or bathing. 


  • Effectively works for 1 month or more
  • Gets rid of fleas, eggs, and larvae
  • Prevents further flea reproduction and infestation for a month
  • Waterproof
  • Easy to apply


  • Make sure to check the size to choose the right one for the size of your dog.
  • You have to wait until 12 hours to kill 98% of the fleas, patience is necessary. 

Bayer Advantage II Topical Flea Treatment Dogs – Small Dog

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“Well, if my dog weighs under 11lbs and gets infested, which one should I use?”

Luckily, Bayer has the best flea treatment for dogs that is suitable for small dogs between 3 and 10lbs. Similar to the above two products, it works by wiping out fleas on contact.

According to the manufacturer, Bayer Advantage II for small dogs delivers multi-stage flea control. That means it can actively destroy fleas’ life-cycle stages and stop the growth of the flea population. Besides this, it’s known for obstructing fleas from infesting your house.

You need to apply it monthly to kill 98% of fleas and prevent them from laying eggs. It is fairly simple to use if you read the instructions carefully before applying. Last, but not least, don’t worry that the effectiveness of this product will be lost if you wash your pet because it’s waterproof. 


  • Eliminates multiple flea life stages
  • Prevents fleas through contact for 1 month
  • Easy to apply
  • Waterproof
  • Recommended by veterinarians


  • Some customers have complained of receiving a delivery of Advantix instead of Advantage
  • Sometimes it doesn’t work for ticks 

Bayer Advantage II Topical Flea Treatment Dogs – Extra Large Dog

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A wonderful thing that Bayer brings us is a variety of choices. Relying on that, you can pick up the right one for your pet. So, if your dog is over 55lbs, make sure you buy Bayer Advantage II Topical flea treatment for extra-large dogs.

Of course, its use is similar to the ones above including killing 98% of the fleas within 12 hours, stopping egg production, and keeping its effectiveness for 1 month after applying.

But, a BIG note of caution is that you must avoid using the best flea treatment for dogs on or around cats if you have any. The reason being that this product is stronger than the others. 


  • Kills fleas on contact for 30 days
  • Controls lice infestations and egg production efficiently
  • Waterproof
  • Starts working within minutes after applying
  • Odorless and easy to use


  • A bit expensive when compared with other products
  • Doesn’t work for ticks 

FRONTLINE Plus for Dogs Large Dog (45 to 88 pounds) Flea and Tick Treatment, 6 Doses

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Another favorite brand of the best flea treatment for dogs that many pet owners prefer to use is FRONTLINE Plus.

Let’s start with the product for large dogs between 45 to 88 pounds. With two active ingredients including fipronil and (S)-methoprene, FRONTLINE Plus claims to wipe out 98-100% fleas within 1 day after application. Not only does it treat adult fleas but also their larvae and eggs efficiently. Additionally, its formula stops lice and sarcoptic mange and protects your dog for up to 30 days.

Application is extremely easy. You just snap off the applicator tip, but make sure to hold it upright. Then squeeze the contents of the vial onto your dog’s skin between the shoulder blades in a single spot. After that, let its continuous protection work for one month before re-applying.


  • Easy to use
  • Kills fleas, eggs, larvae, and lice efficiently
  • Lasts for 1 month and even more
  • Applied monthly
  • Still effective if pet gets wet


  • Although this product kills ticks too, it doesn’t give a specific time frame
  • A bit expensive

FRONTLINE Plus for Dogs Small Dog (5-22 pounds) Flea and Tick Treatment, 6 Doses

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This best flea treatment for dogs from FRONTLINE Plus promises to kill fleas on your small dogs (5-22 pounds) with ease.

It’s a topical treatment that works not only for adult fleas but also eradicates the whole life cycle like their larvae and eggs, as well as lice and ticks. Besides this, it can eliminate fleas within 12 hours or less.

Every application offers your dog a complete month’s protection against fleas and controls sarcoptic mange infections. Although FRONTLINE Plus is perfectly safe for your pet, make sure you try a small amount first to check whether his skin reacts to the product or not. 


  • Effectively gets rid of fleas, eggs, larvae, lice, and ticks
  • Starts working within minutes
  • Extended protection for up to 1 month or even more
  • Easy to administer thanks to its easy-to-use container
  • Trusted by veterinarians


  • It might not work well on long-haired dogs
  • Remember to check for skin allergies before use

K9 Advantix II Flea, Tick and Mosquito prevention

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K9 Advantix II is another best flea treatment for dogs if you’re looking for ways to control flea and tick infestations and even mosquitoes.

As you may already know, this product is made by the same company that produces Advantage II. Hence, it includes the same active ingredients that can wipe out at least 98% of fleas on your dogs within 12 hours after using. It also has a quick parasitostatic action that helps to prevent fleas from biting within only 5 minutes of application.

Plus, it has an additional ingredient known as permethrin that effectively repels mosquitoes. Please note that it’s quite toxic to cats. So, don’t use K9 Advantix II on these pets.

Last, but not least, this product offers exceptional protection for up to 30 days. A big advantage is that it still keeps its effectiveness whether your dog is swimming or is bathed. 


  • Kills adult fleas, eggs, and ticks on contact
  • Repels mosquitos and flies easily
  • Protection lasts for up to one month
  • Waterproof and easy to apply
  • Comes with a pleasant, gentle aroma


  • Make sure to check for skin irritation or allergies on your dog’s skin first.
  • Be careful if using on dogs with long hair or thick fur since the product might be sticky.

FRONTLINE Plus for Dogs Medium Dog (23-44 pounds) Flea and Tick Treatment, 6 Doses

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Let’s have a look at another best flea treatment for dogs from FRONTLINE Plus for if your dog weighs about 23-44 pounds.

This product is a popular topical treatment that is efficient at eliminating fleas, eggs, larvae, and ticks that your pet might have picked up from his daily outdoor walks. It’s easy to use and can give your dog great protection against these nasty creatures for up to 30 days.

Thanks to two active chemicals, no pests can attack your dog, and you won’t need to worry when leaving him to play outdoors.

FRONTLINE Plus comes in a 6-pack which is enough to protect your pet from fleas for 6 months. Make sure you apply it to the skin between the shoulder blades of your dogs. Remember to avoid touching these areas until they are dry. 


  • Comes with two powerful chemicals that kill fleas and other pests effectively
  • Gets rid of fleas in 2 hours and ticks in 12 hours
  • Prevents re-infestation for up to 1 month
  • Recommended by vets
  • Easy to use
  • Gives instant results 


  • May cause allergies, so please check carefully before use
  • Quite expensive when compared to other brands

FRONTLINE Plus for Dogs Extra Large Dog (89 to 132 pounds) Flea and Tick Treatment, 6 Doses

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If your dog ranges between 89 and 132 pounds, this variant of FRONTLINE Plus is a good choice.

This best flea treatment for dogs is basically similar to the other products from this brand. That means it also comes with the same 24-hour onset of action and 30-day effective period.

There are two active chemicals which work at getting rid of fleas, eggs, and larvae. Indeed, it secures your dog and house from ticks that might bring a harmful disease, called Lyme.

Another great thing is that you only apply FRONTLINE Plus to your dog once per month. It comes in a 6-pack, so it’s economical to use for 6 months. 


  • Wipes out fleas and ticks in all their life stages
  • Contains powerful dual ingredients for maximum effectiveness
  • Stop re-infestation for up to 30 days
  • Easy to apply with simple steps
  • Safe for pregnant and nursing dogs


  • Don’t wash your dog within 24 hours after using
  • Costs more money than some other products

Dog & Cat MD Maximum Defense QuickTabs Nitenpyram Flea Treatment, 2-25 lbs, 6 Tablets by Dog MD

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The final best flea treatment for dogs that I want to introduce is from a famous brand name- Dog MD.

As its name suggests, this product contains Nitenpyram, which is the active ingredient. After your pet has taken it, it is instantly absorbed and starts working to get rid of adult fleas before they lay new eggs. It is works in between 24-48 hours with no residual effect.

Since Dog MD QuickTabs doesn’t affect the eggs, you will need to administer it daily. Once the eggs hatch and become adults, they will be killed by the Nitenpyram inside your pet. This product is safe for both dogs and cats, but remember to only use for pets weighing between 2 and 25lbs. 


  • Comes with an active ingredient that kills fleas within 30 minutes
  • Safe for both dogs and cats
  • Affordably priced
  • Does not interfere with other medications
  • No residual effects


  • Your dog needs to use it daily until all fleas are gone
  • Suitable for pets under 25lbs 

How to Choose the Best Flea Treatment for Dogs?

Check your dog’s size

When looking for the best flea treatment for dogs, the main thing you should consider is your dog’s weight and size. For example, if you have a puppy, you shouldn’t buy a product designed for large dogs. This is because using larger quantities might lead your dog to become ill or to experience unexpected side effects. 

Examine the infestation’s state

Before purchasing a flea treatment, you should pay attention to how large the flea infestation is. If it has spread to your carpets, drapes or rugs, you’ll need to treat your dog and house at the same time.

Understand ingredients

You need to become familiar with the components that are used for flea medicines. This will decrease the opportunities for allergies or other effects in your dog and even yourself. Here are some common ingredients you should know: fipronil, S-methoprene, permethrin and pyriproxyfen.

Take note of your dog’s sensitivity level and potential allergies 

As a dog owner, you have to check your dog’s response to the flea treatment all the time. If he is susceptible to inflammation, it would be better to opt for tablets rather than topical applications. If he has any itchy red places or patches of skin with hair rubbed off, he’s probably allergic.

Read the instructions carefully

No matter which best flea treatment for dogs you’re going to purchase, please first read all the directions for application and make sure you understand them all before using the product. Avoid using any therapy meant for dogs on cats and vice versa because it may result in dangerous issues for your pets.

Don’t forget to ask your veterinarian

Your vet can provide specific suggestions that he thinks will be useful for your pet. His advice is especially vital if your dog is old, sick, lactating or pregnant. 

To Sum Up

Now, you have a lot of information to help you choose the best flea treatment for dogs. Remember that the sooner you treat the problem, the easier it will be to handle. Although all the products I have suggested here are good, my favorite is Bayer Advantage II Topical Flea Treatment. Firstly, because it can kill fleas, eggs, and larvae within minutes. Secondly, it prevents flea populations and breaks their life cycle. Thirdly, its effectiveness lasts up to 30 days. That means you can totally set your mind at rest when using this product.

Remember that I’m always available to help you answer any queries you may have. Feel free to comment below!

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton

Best Flea Collar for Cats Review for 2018

I am sure that if you are raising adorable pets like cats, you want to protect them from fleas and ticks. In this case, one of the essential items that the owner needs to provide for their cats is a flea collar. There are several benefits to be gained from using a flea collar.

The first advantage of this product is repelling. Flea collars contain certain chemicals which ward off fleas and ticks from getting onto pets’ bodies in the first place. Another advantage of using a flea collar is that it can kill pests before the cats get bitten. The use of flea collars has become more and more prevalent in caring for cats in our homes. To help you choose the best flea collars for cats available at present, I will tell you a little more about a few products.

Best Flea Collar for Cats – Comparison Table

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Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Cat

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Flea and Tick Cat Collar – Flea Tick Prevention for Cats

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Flea and tick prevention for cats by Sentas

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best flea collar for cats

Waterproof Flea & Tick Collar For Cats, Kittens, Dogs & Pets By Frankie Bee Company

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Flea and Tick Collar for Cats, Prevention and Control Fleas, Ticks, Lice and Pests

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Flea and Tick Collar for Cats, Prevention and Control Fleas, Ticks, Lice and Pests

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best flea collar for cats

La-Maric Flea and Tick Prevention Collar for Cat,Flea Tick Control and Treatment

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ALL Natural Flea Prevention Collar for Dogs and Cats

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LOLOLITS Waterproof Flea & Tick Collar For Cats, Kittens, Dogs & Pets

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Best Flea Collar for Cats – Product Reviews

Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Cat

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The first best cat flea collar that I think you will need to consider is Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Cat. I personally think that most of you will favor this product because it has several advantages.

One of the good points that “Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Cat” has is that it is easy to use. You do not have to spend much time on using it for your cats.

This flea collar also has a long period of effectiveness. This product can protect your cats from fleas and ticks for up to 8 months.

A great extra feature is that it has it has conspicuous reflector chips that can produce light at night. Therefore, this flea collar ensures that you can see it clearly even when the electricity goes out. It will also help vehicles to see your cat if it’s outside on the road.

Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Cat contains seresto. Seresto contains two active ingredients: imidacloprid, which kills adult fleas, flea larvae and lice – and flumethrin, which repels and kills adult ticks, larvae and nymphs.

The main disadvantage of this flea collar is that it is not waterproof. Thus, the effectiveness may be lessened if your pet gets wet. Some might find the chemicals in the collar unacceptable as well, if they prefer natural products.


  • Long lasting effect
  • Reflector chips
  • Active seresto
  • Easy to use


  • Not waterproof
  • Contains toxic chemicals

REGIROCK Flea and Tick Collar for Cats/Dogs – 8-month Protection – Flea Remove Gift Set

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Another product in the best flea collar for cats in my article today is the REGIROCK Flea and Tick Collar for Cats/Dogs – 8 month Protection – Flea Remove Gift Set.

The first strong point of this flea collar is that it is easy to use. All you need to do is just put REGIROCK around your cats’ neck and fasten it. After just 30 minutes the flea collar will take effect. It can ward off all pests including fleas and ticks from your cats, and you won’t need to worry about infestations for a long time.

This flea collar is waterproof, and will still work even if your pet is out in the rain. The adjustable size of this brand ensures that you can use it for large cats or even kittens.Additionally, REGIROCK Flea and Tick Collar for Cats/Dogs has perfect insurance. If you have any problem related to it, the service center will go directly to your home to fix the problem or refund your money. On the negative side, the higher cost is the main issue of REGIROCK. 


  • Easy to use
  • Adjustable size
  • Good guarantee


  • High cost
  • Toxic chemicals

Sentas Flea and Tick Prevention for Cats

best flea collar for cats

Our rating:

The next product in the best cat flea collar reviews that I want to tell you about is Sentas Flea and Tick Prevention for Cats. When using this flea collar for cats, you do not need to worry about possible allergies as the Sentas flea collar contains many natural compounds. Your cats should feel really comfortable with this collar.

The adjustable size is a plus point for this flea collar. You can fit it around all cats’ necks. In some cases, the effectiveness lasts for up to 9 months.

Although it does not have the water-resistant mechanisms of some other flea collars, this product does not lose its flea repellent abilities when exposed to water.

A minor problem with this flea collar is that it only takes effect after an hour or so, but that’s not really long to wait.


  • Natural compounds
  • Long lasting
  • Adjustable size


  • Short guarantee
  • Short time of effectiveness

Waterproof Flea & Tick Collar for Cats, Kittens, Dogs & Pets by the Frankie Bee Company

best flea collar for cats

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Like all the previous products we’ve looked at, the Frankie Bee Flea and Tick Collar also has a long duration of effectiveness. This best flea collar for cats can help prevent your cats from irritation which is caused by ticks and fleas for a full 8 months.

Reflector chips around the flea collar make sure that you can see your cats clearly at night. In addition, the natural ingredients of this flea collar can keep your cats safe from pests without harmful side effects.

The Frankie Bee Flea and Tick Collar is suitable for all cats regardless of their size. It is more than 12 inches long, so the size can be adjusted to fit your cat.

Nonetheless, this product is not waterproof. Hence, it can be damaged by water. It is also not easy to use. I think the advantages of this flea collar outweigh the disadvantages. You should take these points into consideration before choosing.


  • Long duration of usage
  • Natural compounds
  • Reflector chips
  • Adjustable size


  • Not waterproof
  • Not easy to use

Melkaart Flea and Tick Collar for Cats- Prevents and Controls Fleas, Ticks, Lice and Pests for up to 8 Months

best flea collar for cats

Our rating:

Another good brand in the best flea collar for cats review today is the Melkaart Flea and Tick Collar for Cats, which prevents and controls fleas, ticks, lice and other pests for up to 8 months. This product takes effect within 24 hours of putting it around your cats’ necks.

It wards off pests from the cats’ bodies by the use of natural compounds. This flea collar has high effectiveness (90-95 %).

The adjustable size is a plus point for the Melkaart Flea and Tick Collar for Cats. You do not need to worry whether this flea collar fits your cats or not as it is 16 inches long which can be shortened to fit any cat.

There are two main downsides of this product. The first flaw is it does not have reflector chips. Besides that, this product is quite a lot more expensive than the others.

Despite the high price, I still favor this flea collar because of its high effectiveness. If you want to ward off all pests from your cats, this is the best choice.


  • Natural compounds
  • High effectiveness
  • Adjustable size
  • No allergy risk


  • Without reflector chips
  • High cost

Rolf Club 3D FLEA Collar for Cats – Flea and Tick Prevention for Cats

best flea collar for cats

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The most impressive advantage of this flea collar is its knockdown effect. The Rolf Club 3D FLEA Collar for Cats wards off all pests on your cats just after 12 hours.

The natural compounds in this flea collar ensure that your cats feel comfortable when using this product. The affordable cost will also attract your attention and perhaps convince you that this is the best flea collar for cats. It does come at a lower price than some of the others.

However, Rolf Club 3D FLEA Collar for Cats has a shorter duration of effectiveness than some of the other collars we’ve looked at. It only works for about 6 months. Additionally, possible allergies and irritation can occur anytime.


  • Knockdown effect
  • Natural ingredients
  • Affordable cost


  • Short duration of effectiveness
  • Possible irritation and allergy

La-Meric Flea and Tick Collar for Cats

best flea collar for cats

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The nontoxic chemicals in this flea collar can help ward off all pests from your cats. This point also makes sure that La-Meric Flea and Tick Collar for Cats does not cause irritation or allergies to your cats’ skin.

Another good point of this flea collar is its high effectiveness. This best cat flea collar can kill all pests on your cats within just 24 hours.

 On the minus side, this flea collar does not have a water-resistant system, so will become ineffective if it gets wet. If you want a long time for usage, La-Maric Flea and Tick Prevention Collar for Cats is a good choice. However, if your cats are active outdoors a lot, then this flea collar is probably not suitable.


  • Nontoxic chemicals
  • No allergies or irritation
  • High effectiveness


  • Short duration of effectiveness
  • Not waterproof

All Natural Flea Prevention Collar for Dogs and Cats

best flea collar for cats

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The longtime duration of usage is the main benefit of the All Natural Flea Prevention Collar for Dogs and Cats. This flea collar can be used for up to 8 months. It will help to get rid of all fleas and ticks from your cats.

The natural ingredients in this flea collar prevent pests from biting your cats. Even when cats lick their fur, no allergies or irritation will occur.Its water resistant mechanism is another benefit of the All Natural Flea Prevention Collar for Dogs and Cats. It is not adversely affected by rain or wet conditions.

Nevertheless, you should take its price into consideration as it is quite expensive. Moreover, this best flea collar for cats has a fairly short length and may not fit on larger cats. Thus, you will need to calculate the circumference of your cat’s neck before purchase.


  • Longtime duration of usage
  • Natural ingredients
  • Water resistant mechanism


  • High cost
  • Restricted size for cats

LOLOLITS Waterproof Flea & Tick Collar for Cats, Kittens, Dogs & Pets by Company

best flea collar for cats

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The first advantage of LOLOLITS Waterproof Flea & Tick Collar for Cats, Kittens, Dogs & Pets by Company is that this flea collar contains natural ingredients. It can ward off all pests from your cats without causing any allergies or irritation.

The second benefit of this product is that it has a water-resistant mechanism. Therefore, this collar can protect your cats, even under wet conditions.

The collar is 13 inches long, so it will fit any cat in your home. It can be cut smaller to fit kittens too. The insurance lasts for 3 years, which is another plus mark for this product.

There are just two problems related to this brand that you need to consider. This best cat flea collar has a shorter time of effectiveness (just 6 months) than some other collars. It also does not come with reflector chips as some other collars do.


  • Natural compounds
  • Water resistant
  • Adjustable size
  • Long guarantee


  • Short duration of usage
  • Without reflector chips

How To Choose The Best Flea Collar For Cats

I have been asked this question many times. From my experience, to pick up the best flea collar for cats, you should take some important aspects into consideration such as size, whether or not it’s made with natural compounds, if it has a waterproof system, long duration for usage, and cost.

The first criterion that you need to consider is size. You have to make sure that the flea collar you buy for your cats is long enough (about 12 to 14 inches). This length will fit all cats’ sizes from large ones to kittens.

The second thing you should look for in the best flea collar is natural compounds. Some products contain toxic chemicals, which are best avoided as they can harm your cats’ health. Natural compounds can help ward off all fleas and ticks from your cats without causing any allergies or irritation and are safe for the environment too.

Another aspect that I think the best flea collar should have is the water-resistant mechanism. This benefit ensures that the best cat flea collar can work well in any situation even wet weather or rainy days. If your flea collar does not have this feature, it can be easily damaged anytime.

A long duration of usage is important too. I am sure that no one wants to buy too many flea collars for their cats. Thus, the best flea collar should be able to work for up to 8 or 9 months. This means that you should only need to purchase one collar for your cat per year as during the cold winter months it is probably not necessary. This will save money in the long term.

Last, but not least, you also should check out the cost. The price of the flea collar sometimes does not match with its quality and effectiveness. What you need to focus on are its strengths and weaknesses. An affordable flea collar with outstanding features will certainly satisfy your demands.

To Sum Up

Generally speaking, as more and more of us keep cats as pets, learning how to take care of them well becomes a priority. One of the main problems related to our cats is how to prevent them from getting fleas and ticks. Using a flea collar will certainly bring positive effects in this case. I do hope that my article today has helped you have more ideas about “best flea collar for cats”, and which one to choose.

Among the products above, I think that the “Bayer Seresto Flea and Tick Collar for Cat” is the best choice. I highly recommend that you choose this product as it has high effectiveness in preventing your cats from fleas and ticks. I strongly hope that these suggestions have been helpful to you.

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton

How to Treat Sand Flea Bites

There are a variety of different types of fleas among which sand fleas are different from the rest because they are arthropods – the most environmentally adaptable survivors on planet Earth. Sand fleas are crustaceans possessing five to seven pairs of legs and two pairs of antenna. The name gives a clue about their favorite habitats which is the sand around beaches, rivers, lakes and even deserts.

While their body color may range from whitish to brownish, sand fleas’ body size also varies greatly. Some can be seen with the naked eye while others are only visible under a magnifying lens. Sand fleas are active in the evening, at night and early dawn, which means that if you hang out on the beach at that time, you are highly at risk of being bitten by the pesky crustaceans. Despite their small body size, their bites are especially painful and itchy. Should you want to know how to treat sand flea bites, keep reading through the rest of this article.

Types of sand flea bites and symptoms

treat sand flea bites

Before starting to treat sand flea bites, you need to learn to identify sand flea bites first. Typically, there are two types of bites caused by sand fleas. The first one is very similar to that of mosquitos. They appear as red spots and bumps which quickly vanish after one or two days, provided they are not scratched. This type of sand flea bite occurs when the bloodsucking arthropod sucks blood and then moves to another host after injecting a toxin to prevent blood clotting. This process enables them to suck out some blood and then move to the next host without getting stuck.

The second type of sand flea bite tends to be more severe as they result from sand fleas burrowing themselves into the host’s skin to lay their eggs. They may stay there until the eggs hatch. This causes the host severe pain and discomfort. A black spot surrounded by a swollen area is a sign that breeding sand fleas are taking refuge there. The pain may get worse and the site will not heal until proper treatment has been executed. The bites could become so painful that walking is difficult.

Both types of sand flea bites are itchy, painful and may result in fever or infection. The more allergic you are to external invaders, the more severe reactions you may experience. Most often you’ll get bitten on the ankles, feet or legs because they are about 25cm off the ground, which is the height that sand fleas can jump. Upper body bites are less common unless you lie or sit on the beach. So, how to treat sand flea bites?

Sand flea bites treatments

There are several approaches to deal with sand flea bites. They range from soothing the area to seeking a doctor’s help or preventing the bites from happening in the first place. We’ll first have a look at soothing methods.

Apply lotion or cream

When you have been bitten by sand fleas, the very first symptom is usually itching. You will be tempted to scratch the spot to relieve the irritation; however, this is not a wise thing to do. As you scratch the bites, it may cause the bites to be opened up and infection may occur.

So how should you treat sand flea bites when they are so itchy and you cannot scratch? Application of soothing lotions or creams is one method. Calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream, which can be easily found in your local pharmacy are good choices to apply to bitten areas for relief from the itching. The package instructions should be read carefully to check how much to apply, how often to apply it and where not to use it.

Basically, the eyes and mouth are parts of the body that should not have contact with any chemicals so you must be careful not to touch those parts with your hands after rubbing lotion on the bitten areas. Remember to wash your hands well after using the cream or lotion. For children under 10 years old, and also pregnant women or breast feeding moms, you should consult with a doctor to know whether the medicine is safe to use or not.

Baking soda and water

treat sand flea bites

A mixture of baking soda and water can be used to treat sand flea bites. A cup of baking soda can be poured into a bathtub of cool water. Soak your entire body or just the bitten parts in the tub for about half an hour. Another way to utilize baking soda is to mix it with water in a 3:1 ratio. Stir the mixture well. As soon as it forms a paste, it can be spread onto the itchy areas of skin. Keep the paste on the skin for 30 minutes before washing off with cool water.

Oatmeal bath

The antioxidants in oatmeal can also help to soothe flea bites quite well. Add one or two cups of oatmeal to a warm tub of water and then use this to soak the affected areas. The irritation and itchy feeling should feel relieved within an hour of soaking. It’s important to note that hot water should not be used as it just worsens the irritation.

Aloe Vera and essential oils

treat sand flea bites

Aloe Vera functions as a soothing agent for irritated skin the same way that some essential oils do. Both can be purchased from your local drug store and applied directly to the sand flea bites. However, instructions to apply the appropriate dosage should be strictly followed to get the best results without suffering any side effects. It’s a good idea to seek a doctor’s advice regarding essential oil varieties such as lavender, tea tree, or cedar if you are pregnant. To check first for allergies or sensitivity, a patch test should be performed on a small area of unaffected skin before applying to the whole area.

Medical help

If you have a swollen area with a black spot in the center, it is probably the sign of a severe bite caused by female sand fleas burrowing into the skin to lay eggs. For this kind of bite, soothing methods will not help to cure it. Hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion may lessen the symptoms but in case either of the options do not work, you need to visit a doctor right away. The doctor will usually remove the sand flea and will probably recommend that you use antihistamine cream to reduce the irritation due to an allergic reaction. Strictly follow your doctor’s instructions to obtain the best results.

No matter how effective the remedies for sand flea bites are, it is best not to get bitten at all in the first place. The following prevention measures will give you some ideas about this.

Avoid hanging out on the beach at dawn and dusk

Cooler weather activates sand flea activities. Therefore, if you want to enjoy beach sight-seeing in the evening or at dawn, it is highly likely that you will get bitten. Rainy days are also favorable for the bloodsuckers, so be careful if you go to the beach during those type of days. It is advisable to visit the beach once the sun has risen and the weather is warm and dry. You may still get bitten, but the chances will be much less.

Use insect repellents

If you still want to enjoy the beach at dawn or dusk regardless of sand fleas, try spraying insect repellent on your feet, ankles, and legs before you go. Sand fleas will be discouraged from approaching to bite you as the chemical smell of the repellents will deter them from getting closer. Remember to take the insect repellent with you and to re-apply after swimming.

Protect your feet, ankles, and legs

Sand fleas can jump about 25cm high, so covering your ankles, feet and legs can be a good protective measure to keep you safe from sand fleas. Pants, sandals or shoes can be worn for beach walking. Have a towel or blanket beneath you when you want to lie down on the beach.

To Sum Up

We hope these tips have given you some ideas about what to do if you get bitten, and how to prevent sand flea bites. The main things to remember are to not scratch no matter how itchy they are, and to seek a doctor’s help if the bite is suspected to be a severe one with female sand fleas burrowing into the skin. Prevention measures are always preferable to treatment ones. Equip yourself with insect repellents or avoid the sand fleas’ active time and you should be able to enjoy your time at the beach without worrying about sand flea bites.

How to Treat Fleas in Yard?

According to the Wikipedia definition, fleas are small brown insects that are about 3mm long when mature. They don’t have wings, but possess hind legs for jumping, and have chewing mouthparts which are useful for piercing the skin of their hosts and feeding on their blood. They love to take refuge in warm, shady places. Too much exposure to the sun or water will kill them.

“How to treat fleas in yard?” is a common question, if you have pets like dogs or cats. Because it is very likely that there are fleas residing in your pets’ warm fur. To make it worse, they may jump elsewhere and spread over the house into blankets, carpets, and even clothes. As long as your pets play around the yard or sleep there, fleas will also take the opportunity to invade the yard.

Should you notice fleas indoors, it is fairly easy to do something about it as the space is small and manageable. In case of the yard, fleas are more difficult to identify as the area is larger and fleas have more room to hide. Despite this, it is not impossible to deal with fleas in the yard. You may need to invest a little more time and effort on this task, but if you are determined enough to get rid of a flea infestation, it is absolutely worth trying and the results will be rewarding. We will now go into more detail about how to treat fleas in yard safely and effectively.

Locate fleas in the yard

how to treat fleas in yard

Before you get started with the question “how to treat fleas in yard?”, you will need to locate the areas where fleas are most likely to be hiding. The yard is spacious and fleas will not spread equally everywhere. Remember that they love to stay in warm and moist places which are not directly exposed to sunlight. Pets are the favorite host of fleas. Check out where pets frequently play in the yard and those will be the places that are probably most densely populated by fleas. Shady, grassy areas, the compost heap or piles of leaves are the most likely residence of the bloodsuckers.

A recommended trick is to wear white socks while you are searching for fleas in the yard. They may try to attach to you by clinging to the white socks and their tiny brown or black bodies will be easy to see against the white of the socks. It is very important to note that trying to treat fleas in the yard must come after you have figured out where they are, otherwise it will be a waste of time and effort to try to treat the entire yard.

Prepare the yard for treatment

how to treat fleas in yard

You’ve first got to make sure that your pets are free of fleas before thinking of dealing with fleas in your yard. The reason is simple. If your pets still have fleas, sooner or later they will spread those insects over the yard again and your time and effort will have been wasted. Once pets have been treated for fleas, keep them out of the yard. Keep your children away too, while you are busy. You can now start mowing the grass, removing weeds and debris, stacking wood that is lying around and clearing away any piles of fallen leaves. The yard should be kept tidy and free of too many overhanging branches so that the sun can reach the ground and there are fewer places for fleas to hide.

It is not necessary to treat the entire garden area. Instead, focus on the places where your pets often hang out. Cleaning and arranging things neatly will be adequate to get rid of a certain number of fleas. In order to eradicate them completely, insecticides are your best option when getting rid of fleas in your garden.

Apply insecticides to the yard

Toxic chemicals will kill fleas right away, but you need to be careful to select insecticides that are high quality and safe for human and pets. Read the manual or follow the instructions on the label to use the chemicals safely. Protect yourself by wearing a mask, gloves and protective clothing while spraying flea-concentrated areas.

You may prefer to use organic pesticides that are more environmentally friendly and safer. You can source these using the Internet or local suppliers. Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is one of these non-toxic treatments for fleas in your yard. You could use a spreading tool to spread the fine dust in areas where you suspect fleas are living. However, bear in mind that DE will not work on rainy days or in wet weather.

Flood the yard

how to treat fleas in yard

Fleas prosper in moist places, but cannot survive in flooded areas. Mature fleas can be killed with insecticides and water will finish the rest of the task of clearing their eggs and larvae. After mowing your lawn, you may pump in water to flood the entire yard. This will not only kill the fleas but also wash away all the feces. Rainy days could help you with this as natural water from the sky will help to clean and get rid of all flea offspring. For sunny or dry seasons, you’ll have to flood the yard yourself.

Utilize nematodes

Nematodes are natural enemies of fleas. They are microscopic worms that are harmless to humans, animals, and plants. Feeding on flea larvae while not being able to resist direct sun exposure, nematodes could be sprayed in any shady spaces where fleas are noticed. Treating fleas in your yard is safe and effective with nematodes.

Cedar wood chips

This is another natural option to consider to help you with treating fleas in your yard. They cannot stand the scent of cedar wood chips. Sprinkle these chips over the areas that fleas are around. Cedar wood chips could be turned into a finer sawdust and sprinkled next to neighboring fences to prevent potential fleas from entering your yard.

Professional treatment

If you have no time to deal with fleas in the yard yourself or not successful after applying some of the treatment options above, professional help from the companies specializing in insect control is your next option. It will cost you some money, but you will certainly save time and effort. You will also usually obtain satisfactory results, and you’ll no longer need to worry about fleas. Next time you notice a flea infestation in your yard, just pick up the phone and call for the professionals. They will come and eradicate them safely.

Prevention of fleas in your yard

Whatever you do to treat fleas in your yard, it’s best if they have no chance to invade your living space in the first place. There are several things you can do the stop them from frequenting your yard.

First, remove any moist conditions of the yard by watering correctly- neither too much nor too little. Of course, flooding the lawn may kill flea eggs and larvae, but doing that too often will harm your lawn as well. Therefore, correct watering will help the lawn grow while keeping it dry enough to deter fleas from hiding or breeding.

Second, mow the lawn regularly, and trim or prune the shrubs and trees to expose the soil to more sunlight. Fleas will have no place to hide and will not be able to survive under the heat of the sun.

Third, plant lavender or pennyroyal, which is a member of the mint family. Both of these things are disliked by fleas. They are natural remedies to keep fleas away. One note of caution: pennyroyal is poisonous to cats if ingested, so if you have cats, then rather choose another method of flea prevention.

You should now have a better idea of how to treat fleas in yard. Remember to start treating for fleas as soon as you notice the first one. This will prevent the infestation from getting out of hand. You can absolutely do it yourself if you’re not too busy, otherwise you can always call in the experts. Thanks for reading!

About indoor gardening read more at Comfy Home Corner.

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton

How To Get Rid of Fleas with Baking Soda

Flea infestations are a common nightmare for each and every pet owner. It has been estimated that about 90% of pets can be attacked by fleas which can then invade your entire home just in a short time. Generally, many people will use chemicals to treat this problem; however, most of these products are fairly expensive and not good for your health or the planet. There are, however, several less toxic substances that can help you deal with the worry of a flea infestation. Today we’ll explain to you how to get rid of fleas with baking soda, a well-known home remedy.

How to get rid of fleas with baking soda on pets

The source of fleas will usually be your dogs or cats, so you need to start with them in order to deal with the problem at the root. A mixture of baking soda and water is a good remedy for the itching caused by fleas. Pets can be treated with a paste made from 1 teaspoon of baking soda and a little water to prevent itching and scratching. Simply mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with a little water and apply the thin paste onto the flea bites. Use a cotton ball to apply this mixture to the affected areas. Leave it on for 5 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water. Do not use baking soda on broken skin or open wounds.

In case your pet is itching all over and you desire to get rid of all the fleas, you can give your pet a bath with half to one cup of baking soda mixed into its bath water. Wash your pet with the mixture, beginning at the neck, and working your way to the tail. Keep the mixture on your pet for a few minutes before rinsing. As you rinse, you can clean away any dead fleas. Use a clean towel to dry your pet. Next, utilize a flea comb to remove any fleas that may remain on your pet. Keep fleas from invading your home again by keeping your pet indoors or by using nontoxic, preventative flea control products like a flea collar

How to get rid of fleas with baking soda and salt on carpets

The carpets in your house are places where these annoying insects like to hide and multiply. As we all know, baking soda and salt, these common kitchen ingredients, are not only safe and healthy for pets and babies but are inexpensive as well. Why don’t we take advantage of them instead of spending a fortune on toxic exterminatory products? More importantly, this natural remedy allows you to not only get rid of adult fleas, but also their eggs and larvae.

To get started, you’ll need the following: a box of baking soda, salt, a vacuum cleaner and a good stiff broom.

First, remove as much furniture as you can give yourself a free space to work on the entire carpet. In addition, remove your pets and children far from the treated areas because baking soda and salt can cause irritation to open wounds on their skin.

Second, mix an equal portion of baking soda and salt. A reasonable starting quantity is one cup of baking soda and one cup of salt. Mix enough to cover every inch of your carpet, as well as under the furniture, in the corners of the room, on upholstered furnishings and so on. Another way to do it is to use the baking soda and salt separately. In this method, freely sprinkle salt on the carpet from left to right so as to cover all areas. Next, sprinkle baking soda as you did the salt, however, the amount of baking soda can be less than of salt since soda is easier to spread. Besides, a large amount of soda may lead to trouble with sweeping it with the broom.

Third, take a broom and sweep the carpet vigorously. This ensures that the baking soda and salt mix completely with each other. Moreover, doing this is a way to help these effective products go deep inside every carpet fiber and then choke the fleas to death. During this period, these pesky insects will try their utmost to get away from the treatment, so you will probably see them jumping on your feet and legs. It is therefore highly recommended that you protect these parts with a pair of socks or slippers.

Fourth, leave your mixture in the carpets for at least 12 hours or longer, depending on how serious the level of infestation is. A good time to do it is if you’re going away for the weekend or on holiday.

Last but not least, vacuum all treated areas thoroughly to remove all the dying and dead fleas. Just one remaining flea egg lurking deep in the carpet fibers can result in a huge problem in the long run. Therefore, make sure you regularly vacuum your home and repeat the whole process twice a week until the problem has been resolved.

How to get rid of fleas with baking soda and vinegar

Did you know that a combination of baking soda and vinegar is also a highly effective flea remedy? Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 1 measuring cup
  • 1 cup raw apple cider vinegar
  • ½ cup warm water
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda
  • 5 drops essential oil
  • 1 spray bottle

Step by step to mix all the ingredients:

  • Place ½ teaspoon of salt, ½ teaspoon of baking soda into the measuring cup.
  • Add 5 drops of essential oil.
  • Slowly pour ½ cup of warm water into the cup.
  • Gently pour 1 cup of cider vinegar into the cup. You will see a hissing and foaming reaction.
  • Pour your mixture into the spray bottle and shake. 

How to spray it onto your pets and infested areas:

  • Make sure that your pets are not allergic to the essential oils before spraying. Spray your pets down from a distance of 6 inches away. Avoid the area of the eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Rub it into their coats with your fingertips.
  • Directly apply this mixture onto floors and places where fleas would hide.
  • Store the remainder in the fridge.

To sum up

Before you turn to toxic chemical products for solutions to your flea problems, do remember to always try natural remedies like these ones first. They will save you a lot of money and health issues. They are also friendlier to the environment. We do hope that after reading this information, you have more insight into how to get rid of fleas with baking soda and how to apply it correctly.

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton

How to Get Rid of Fleas with Salt

Fleas are pesky parasites that feed on human or animals’ blood. They often hide in moist and shady places such as carpets, rugs, and even beds. If you own a dog or a cat as a pet, you may find yourself searching for ways to cure your pets from fleas. Their bites are especially itchy and may transmit infectious diseases if not properly treated.

Therefore, any signs of fleas in your house or on your pets should be taken seriously and remedies should be utilized to eradicate the nuisance. There are multiple choices when it comes to killing fleas. Chemical products such as flea foggers or flea bombs are an immediate solution that is quite effective for flea infestations. However, the downside of this measure is the toxic chemicals that can adversely affect human and animal health if breathed in.

When dealing with fleas on pets, flea shampoos, flea combs or herbal sprays are among some of the other popular options. Those products are safe for your pets and are usually effective as well. Nevertheless, if you are still looking for a natural and cheap option to kill fleas, let’s look closer at how to get rid of fleas with salt. This simple cooking additive is found in every kitchen, but it is also an amazing option in the fight against fleas and it comes at a relatively low cost.

Flea’s life cycle

First, you should be aware that a flea’s life cycle consists of four stages, namely egg, larvae, pupae and mature fleas. Thus, you are not dealing with adult fleas alone, but their whole life cycle because if they’re not all removed completely, the potential adult fleas will soon develop from any stage of the cycle. Salt works because fleas thrive best in moist and shady environments. Salt will dehydrate the moisture and ultimately desiccate the fleas to death.

Where to start?

To begin treating your flea infestation using salt, you need to identify the places in your house that are infested with fleas. Although fleas will eventually spread all over the house, there will be some areas where they prefer to hide. If your pets are full of fleas, the fleas will travel wherever your pets go. It could be outdoors in the yard or indoors under tables, carpets, rugs, sofas, pet bedding and even in your bed if you let your pets sleep with you. Now you’ve got to treat the source of the fleas, namely your pets, before treating the rest of the infested areas.

De-flea your pet with salt

Flea shampoos are a good option to kill fleas hiding in pets’ fur. Alternatively, salt baths can also help to remove fleas. A proportion of one part of salt with ten parts of water is ideal for pet bathing. Soak your pet’s whole body in the water, but be careful to keep their eyes and ears clear. In case of heavy infestations, directly rub salt into your pet’s fur, leave for about two hours before brushing off the salt and bathing it in warm water. If your pets have any open injuries, don’t try to apply salt as it will sting. A single salt treatment may not remove all the fleas, and you may need to repeat the treatment a few days later.

Indoor flea treatment with salt

For removable and washable items in the house that are infested with fleas, such as pet blankets, high heat can help to kill the fleas. A hot water temperature of above 95 degrees Celsius is ideal to get the job well done.

What about bulky furniture and items that cannot be washed? The answer is to sprinkle salt over the infested item. Fine salt will penetrate better than coarse salt. When you are in a room trying to remove the fleas, make sure you have some salt sprinkled in front of the threshold or in the passage leading into the room. The reason is that when you try to kill fleas in one room, it is very likely that they will jump into the other.

Therefore, in order to surround them in one room for treatment, make sure you block all the exits with salt. Leave the salt spread over the carpets, rugs or floors for about 12 hours and then vacuum thoroughly. Salt acts as a drying agent and will dehydrate the environment. Those fleas that eat some salt will be desiccated as well. After that time, vacuum the room thoroughly, seal the vacuum bag, and discard it properly, otherwise eggs or larvae in it may hatch and start the whole infestation again.

Salt treatment for larvae

Salt is most effective in killing mature fleas as their bodies are exposed to the substance and the chances that they will eat the salt are pretty high. However, flea larvae can still survive in a salty habitat for a long time – they can go for up to a year without having to consume food.

Eggs are laid every day and will turn into larvae within two days or two weeks depending on the living conditions such as moisture or temperature. It may take weeks or months for larvae to make up cocoons and finally grow into mature fleas. During this larval stage, salt may have little effect on them. If you are still concerned about how to get rid of fleas with salt, the only way is to repeat the treatment – sprinkle salt then vacuum on a regular basis. This will kill adult fleas as they emerge, and gradually the cycle will end.

Outdoor treatment of fleas with salt is not very effective as the moisture content outdoors tends to be high and salt gets dissolved quickly. For outdoor treatment, you’ll need to look for methods such sprays or flea foggers. Removing all leaves and debris lying around, and keeping the lawn short also helps.

To sum up

We hope you have gained some new ideas on how to get rid of fleas with salt. For those of you who love safe and natural methods to fight against insect infestations, salt is such a good choice. In comparison with pesticides or flea bombs, it may require a little more effort for you to completely get rid of fleas. However, in return you can protect yourself, your family and pets from harmful chemicals, as well as save yourself some money.

One key point that we want to emphasize here, is that no matter how effective the measures you take to eradicate fleas are, it is best to prevent them from gaining a foothold in the first place. The saying, “Prevention is better than cure” is true in this case as well. The best preventive measure is to keep your living space neat and clean. If your yard and house are clean, pets will have a safe playground to hang out in and there’ll be less chance of their being bitten by fleas.

Watch your pets to see straight away if they have any sign of itchy spots and take prompt action as soon as you spot a few fleas on them. Early detection and immediate prevention measures will stop fleas from multiplying in number and spreading all over the house. Don’t panic if you see a few fleas around, but just take it as a reminder to clean up your house and garden and get everything in order.

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton