6 Interesting Facts About Fleas

Nowadays, almost everyone has a pet. In today’s fast-changing world, we feel the need for something consistent, loving and calming. Pets provide it for many of us. However, even our precious furry companions have enemies – fleas. The flea is a small, almost unnoticeable creature which negatively impacts the lives of many pets and their families. They are nasty and unpleasant pests, which can be a lot of trouble for our pets and us. Getting rid of them and ensuring they never come back should be a top priority. A few interesting facts will make you more aware of the dangers they pose.

Fleаs feed on blood

Many people already know this from personal experience. However, it’s still worth mentioning because it’s the most alarming fact about these creatures. Fleas feed entirely on blood. They usually infest other animals, like cats, dogs, birds and everything with fur or feathers. They jump on their prey and hide inside its coat. If you see your pet constantly scratching, this may be a sign of a flea infestation. You should take immediate action and exterminate the pests before they transfer to you. Fortunately, vet stores sell many solutions for this problem.

Fleas are surprisingly durable

Many people think that because fleas are so tiny, they’ll quickly die out when they leave the property for a few days. The truth is that fleas are actually pests which won’t go away easily. It’s been proven that they can last up to a hundred days without food. If you decide to get rid of them by vacating the property for a while, when you come back, they’ll probably be even more aggressive than before.

Their life cycle is also very flexible. They are more common and reproduce faster in warmer climates, and they can survive in a heated home during winter. They have a longer life cycle during that period compared to the summer. This is why winter is the most challenging time of year to get your pet and home rid of them.

The safest way to get rid of them is to hire pest control professionals to deal with them.

Fleas eat a lot

The only answer scientists have to explain why fleas can live so long without food is that they can drink enormous amounts of blood. Every flea can ingest 15 times its body weight in blood daily. Besides that, they usually come in packs. They are also very aggressive feeders and won’t hesitate to feed on people as well. The amount of blood they can drink from your pet is horrifying.

A female flea can lay up to 40 eggs a day

40 eggs a day amounts to 1,085 eggs, on average, for just one adult female over its life span. Most flea eggs are laid directly on the host and often fall off, spreading the infestation to the surrounding environment. Since the eggs aren’t sticky, they fall on carpets, wood floor cracks, and pet bedding.

Prior to hatching, the eggs lie dormant for 2 to 12 days. After that, they go through several life stages before becoming adults. First, there is the larval stage, which is temperature-dependent. In warm weather, flea larvae live 24 days, while in cold weather, they live 200 days. They burrow in pet bedding or other safe, dark and warm spots.

Once they are ready, they change into pupae in a cocoon. Depending on the conditions, this stage can last from 5 to 14 days. A pupa can survive up to one year in its cocoon. When the time is right, it hatches into an adult flea. It takes an adult flea 10 seconds to feed once it has landed on a host. However, adult female fleas cannot lay eggs until after their first meal.

If you bring home even only one adult female flea, in 60 days, your home will be overrun by as many as 20 thousand fleas. A flea infestation can spiral out of control very quickly.

Fleas are jumping machines

Adult fleas are capable of jumping 200 times their body length. They can also jump around 30 thousand times in a row. This means they can quickly jump on humans, pets, and even through screened doors and windows.

Fleas pose a health hazard

Even if fleas are tiny, they’re very dangerous. They can cause anaemia and many other blood diseases for your pets if they’ve been feeding off of them for too long. Some pets can even develop allergies to flea saliva. Additionally, cat scratch fever or murine typhus are among the diseases caused by flea bites. If you suspect that you have a flea infestation, take measures and make sure your home is safe from these dangerous pests.

Besides negatively impacting your pet’s health, fleas also transmit diseases that impact humans. The Bubonic Plague caused the deaths of more than 25 million people.

Besides disease, fleas also transmit parasites. The most common one is the tapeworm. If you’re giving your pet tapeworm medication, you must also treat it for fleas because the tapeworm will return quickly if they’re still present. Besides that, a species of tapeworm can also be transmitted to people.

Final Words

More than two thousand species of fleas are known to humankind, and new ones are identified all the time. However, even if there are so many, only one, the cat flea, inhabits homes and pets’ fur. All pets are susceptible to flea infestations, including indoor rabbits, guinea pigs, etc. Regardless of the climate in your place, fleas are always waiting to get into your home and start feeding. Since they also affect wildlife, eggs and larvae can be found virtually everywhere, and they can be carried inside your home riding on clothing and backpacks.

Luckily, treating and preventing flea infestations has dramatically improved over the years. New medications can be used all year round on almost all animals. However, make sure to speak to your veterinarian about which products they’d recommend for your area. All the issues of a flea infestation can be avoided by understanding what type of pest they are, how they behave and prior planning.

Pests on Pets: How to Get Rid of Fleas on Your Dog

Pets are the source of joy for a lot of families, especially those with kids. The energetic and lovable animals play and spend a lot of time with you that you can’t get enough of them. However, they bring along an enemy that is difficult to find-fleas. Hiding in the long coats of hair are blood feeders that will cause discomfort to their host. It is vital to get as much information as you can about fleas to eliminate them from your household and keep your dogs safe from harm.

Identifying the Enemy

It is essential to know what you are going up against before coming up with solutions. Fleas are prevalent parasites that have over 2,000 different species in the world. The dog flea is one of the most common types, along with human flea and cat flea. The insect has three pairs of legs and has a small shape, but it does not have wings to help them fly. Fleas can be difficult to spot, especially since they move fast enough to avoid detection. For their survival, the parasites feed on the blood of most living organisms, including humans. However, you can spot them in hairier animals like cats, rats, and dogs. Once fleas attach to a host, they will feed, mate, and lay eggs to multiply their numbers. A flea bite is not that painful, but the after-effects will make your dogs feel uncomfortable and itchy. In some cases, the parasites come with traces of illnesses that could make your pet suffer. Fleas will not do your dog any good, so you have to eradicate them from the canine’s body.

Finding the Breeding Grounds

Dogs are not arriving in this world with fleas. Your pet will likely pick up the parasites from the environment, specifically in these areas:

  • Public spaces with other animals– Dogs are friendly pets that will play or interact with other animals that might be flea-infested.
  • Home– All kinds of pests can break into your home, including fleas. Flea eggs can also get stuck on your clothes and items, making you a carrier of the infestation. Once inside the house, the parasite can lay eggs and multiply.
  • Pet establishments– Veterinarian offices, pet grooming establishments, and dog food stores will be full of animals that could have the infestation. One visit to these areas can give your dog a bunch of fleas.

All of these spots can give your dog a flea infestation. However, the areas are necessary for your pet to live a healthy and happy life. You can control the infestation by keeping the canine by your side, which is achievable through dog obedience training.

Protecting the Dog

Keeping your dog flea-free for its whole life is nothing short of a miracle. Most of the time, you will be doing your best to get rid of the parasite from their bodies. Try to pick the fleas off piece by piece and squish them to prevent them from becoming a nuisance. However, there is a high chance that you will find more of the parasites the next day. The best protection for your dog will be prevention, which is achievable if you do the following tasks:

  • Wash all pet bedding and toys that can hide fleas
  • Vacuum carpet areas to remove flea breeding grounds
  • Use flea treatment and products that could help eliminate the infestation
  • Wash your dog after playtime with other pets or walks in public spaces
  • Regularly comb the hair of your dog after a shower to check for remnants of fleas

Consult your dog’s veterinarian to help you identify the necessary flea treatment products for your pet. The items will depend on the size and breed of the canine, which means that you must avoid buying the first thing you see on the market aisle.

Treating the Injured

If you notice your dogs are always scratching parts of their bodies, it could be a sign that they are feeling the itch caused by flea bites. It will be an uncomfortable feeling, but your pets will not express their pain to you, which is why you have to be active. Try to search for small red dots and small white eggs on your pet’s body. It will be challenging to find the bite marks on their hair, but you could identify the areas they are scratching excessively. Take your dog to the vet when you notice that it suffers from allergic reactions or feeling under the weather.

You will deal with fleas as long as you have a dog inside your home. But with enough knowledge, you can help prevent your beloved pet from suffering from an annoying parasite infestation.

Can Cat and Dog Fleas Live on Humans?

Fleas are a common concern for pet owners. We all love our cats and dogs, and do our best to keep them flea-free, but sometimes these persistent pests can be inevitable. Not only are their bites uncomfortable, but fleas can also carry disease, so some pet owners may worry about the bugs getting on their less furry family members.

Do cats and dogs carry the same kind of fleas?

Pet owners may wonder whether cats and dogs carry the same kind of fleas. There are over 2,000 species. The most common are cat fleas, dog fleas, human fleas, and Oriental rat fleas. Despite the names, each of these species infests many types of animals, so it is possible for dogs to get cat fleas or vice versa. 

Most fleas prefer to live and feed on other animals with more fur or hair, however humans can definitely get bitten if fleas are in their home. Their bites are extremely itchy and uncomfortable. Fleas can also transmit illnesses to humans and other animals. While mostly uncommon, it is possible for fleas to pass on cat scratch fever, murine typhus, bubonic plague, tularemia and more. Fleas can also transmit parasites such as tapeworms.

Signs your pet has fleas

If you’re worried about your pet catching fleas, keep an eye out for these common signs. Itchy pets are often the first noticeable sign of fleas in the home. If you notice your pet scratching a lot, you should check for fleas immediately. This can be done by running a fine-tooth comb through their fur, and looking in ears for signs of the bugs. Fleas are known for their extraordinary jumping abilities, so if they are living on your pet, you will see them hop off during the check. Their bites also tend to leave bumps, which may be scabbed over from the pet’s scratch.

Some pets can also have flea allergies, so if you notice red, swollen bumps on your pet, this may be a sign of flea activity. You may be able to observe ‘flea dirt’ or fecal matter on your pet. Another sign can be bites on the humans of the household. Fleabites tend to show up around the ankles first. You may also be able to see fleas if you look closely. They are quite small and quick, but not too small to notice on light colored surfaces.

What to do if your pet catches fleas

To prevent fleas, pet owners should regularly administer topical or oral flea and tick medications. Since fleas can be brought in by neighborhood animals, avoid feeding outdoor cats, squirrels, raccoons, or other animals that may become tempted to spend more time in your yard. Vacuum your home regularly, as fleas enjoy carpet.

If your pet does catch fleas, it is important to have them treated immediately. Fleas reproduce rapidly, and can be difficult to get rid of if left unattended. In addition to treating your pet, you should vacuum frequently, shampoo your carpets, and also have your home treated with a product labeled specifically for fleas.

What about human fleas?

The human flea also makes its home on other animals, and is thought to have originally come from guinea pigs, not humans. However, it can also infest humans, burrowing beneath the skin and reproducing at an alarming rate. Unlike other types of fleas, human fleas do not mind our lack of fur, and will not only feed on humans, but live on them as well.

What to do if you catch human fleas

Most people learn they have fleas by discovering itchy, red bites on their body. These bothersome bites will be enough to cause a host to spring into action. The first thing that you should do if you find you have caught fleas, is to clean yourself and your belongings. Launder all clothes and linens, using detergent, and shower yourself and your pets, using respective flea shampoos. Be sure to use shampoos labeled for humans for yourself, and appropriately labeled shampoos on your pets. If you do not have access to flea shampoo, dish soap makes a good alternative.

To treat the discomfort, try applying lavender oil, aloe vera gel, or calamine lotion topically. If you have any open wounds, be sure to keep them clean and apply ointment. Some essential oils, such as eucalyptus, peppermint and citrus are said to deter fleas. Keep in mind that these methods will not eradicate the infestation, and a chemical treatment will usually still be necessary if the fleas are living in your home. Also remember to check with a vet before using essentials on or around your pets. Many oils can be toxic to pets, especially cats, even if diffused.

You, Me and the Flea

Fleas are one of the oldest pests. It can be difficult to avoid them, and sometimes an infestation comes down to bad luck. While they don’t usually cause disease, the damage they can cause is painful, frustrating, and costly. Don’t ignore the signs of fleas, or wait for them to get any worse. Keep a clean and tidy home and yard, and take action at first itch. 

Author Bio: Pat is a pest control enthusiast and founder of Pest Hacks, a website totally devoted to the smartest, most effective ways to defend your home against every kind of creepy crawly under the sun.


Where Do Fleas Live Outside?

Fleas truly deserve the name “annoying trouble makers” because they can recur so easily in spite of your attempts at flea prevention and cure. One of many victims made a call to his veterinarian with confusion: “Why do they come back after all the treatments I’ve tried?” He had tried everything to beat the fleas, from vacuuming every inch of the house to cleaning his pets frequently, and treating them with chemicals. What our victim forgot was that fleas also live and breed outside. In this article, let together explore more about fleas, such as what a flea infestation is, how they survive, and where do fleas live outside?

How does a flea infestation cause problems?

Before starting with the question “where do fleas live outside?”, we had better learn a little more about these creatures. Most people are aware that fleas are annoying, but not everyone realizes just how dangerous they can be.

Fleas have four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. As eggs and larvae, fleas are very small and can virtually hide anywhere. Once they’re adults, fleas have amazing jumping abilities. Although they’re only 4mm long, they can jump over 33cm.

Most importantly, fleas are blood-sucking creatures which not only cause itching of the skin, but can also spread serious diseases. Canine fleas (on dogs), feline fleas (on cats) and especially fleas on mice and rats are the most common ones that can lead to typhus, tularemia or bubonic plague. This is why it’s so important to take measures once a flea infestation has begun.

Where do fleas live outside?

It’s best to prevent them in the first place. This is why it’s good to know that they like to live in areas that are warm, shady, and humid.

Remember that of the four parts of their life cycle, fleas in the form of eggs and larvae are especially good at hiding and spreading. About 57% of fleas are in these forms. Being protected in a cocoon, flea larvae can develop and become adults within a week. Most importantly, as well as dangerously, a tiny flea like this can remain this form for up to five months (about 150 days). This is so long that they can easily catch onto any “host” passing through. Then, new life cycles begin and the fleas multiply rapidly.

If you have a flea problem, it’s a good idea to spray outdoor areas that are dark and humid with special flea treatments, as well as along walls and fences.

where do fleas live outside

Look closer at grass and leaf piles as well. Grass, especially underneath shrubs and in shadows, is usually more shady and humid than other places in an area. Unfortunately, these are the kind of places that both pets and people like to sit. On every fishing trip, and rest-time after hiking and walking, they tend to go to these shady areas. This gives fleas living there the perfect opportunity. Leaf piles are also ideal for fleas to live in.

Other places

Fleas live on pets

The most common place that fleas live in is on our pets, especially on dogs and cats. Our cats and dogs often play outside, and frequent places that fleas like to breed. The fleas jump onto the animals’ fur and immediately start to feed and breed. Mammals provide the perfect conditions for these creatures. Fleas quickly develop from an egg to an adult in about a week. Their life cycle repeats itself rapidly and the number of fleas explodes.


As a result, numerous bites cause your pets to itch and can make them scratch incessantly. Here’s a little advice for all pet owners- if you see any of your pets scratching, check their bodies, paying special attention to the neck, ears and underbelly. These are the places where you’ll most easily see fleas if there are any.

Fleas live on humans

As we said above, mammals with thick fur are the favorite place for fleas. So, what about humans? Do fleas live on us? Unfortunately, the answer is “yes”. With their awesome jumping ability, it’s easy for fleas to get onto you.

Living in a community, you are likely to go out every day for work, play, visits, thereby exposing yourself to places where they might hide. They are particularly easy to find in empty houses and apartments, especially ones with carpets or where pets used to live. They are also common in sandy areas.

In general, both pets and their owners can be the hosts of fleas. For this reason, it’s important to keep your outdoor areas clean and neat, and your indoor areas clean and well vacuumed at all times. Remember that fleas hide in the hard-to-reach corners of your home, so get the vacuum in there properly. Vacuum your mattresses and furniture regularly too.

Also remember to wash your pets’ bedding and baskets frequently, as fleas like to hide and breed in there. You should have a regular program of flea prevention for your pets such as shampooing and spraying.

To sum up

I hope that the information I’ve provided will be helpful to you, and will help you prevent fleas from taking over your home and garden. Knowing “where do fleas live outside” will help you to get to the root of the problem and get rid of it permanently. If you have more questions, feel free to leave your comment below this post and we can discuss more.

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton