Pest Prevention Tips, 6 Things You Need To Know

Who doesn’t want their home to be pest-free? I’m sure no one wants rats scurrying around and ants all over the place. If you’ve come across this article looking for ways to make sure you don’t have the particular problem, the chances are that someone around you already has and now you’re worried. While it may seem inevitable and you may think that your house is next, we’ve got you covered.

While many people prefer going for chemical substitutes to get rid of pests, there are many preventive measures that you can take so that something doesn’t go wrong in the first place. Recent studies have shown how strong chemicals tend to linger around even after you have aired out the house, and that can prove to be dangerous. Here mentioned below are a few prevention tips that will surely help you out and make sure you don’t have to worry about pests.

1.     Block entry

If you’re dreading a pest infestation, the first thing that you should do is to make sure there aren’t any cracks in the walls or the roof. Pests need a point of entry to get in, and they chose places where you wouldn’t normally look. So rather than waiting for them to come in the front door and killing them take some time out and go a crack scavenger hunt. Once you find the places you think that pests can get it, make a mental note to fix them and get it done in your earliest convenience.

Try not to leave it to the next day as pests aren’t going to consider that you’re busy, they try to get in the first chance they get.  If someone in the neighbourhood already has the same problem you should be extra vigilant.

2.     Make sure they have no food source

Another reason why pests will be attracted to your house is because of the availability of food. Make sure that you don’t have food lying around that pests can have access too. If you start seeing ants around a certain area, make sure to check that place for food and get rid of it as soon as possible. Once the pests get used to getting food that’s lying around, you’ll never have anything for yourself. Visit the pestwiki website to know about the best ant killers that you can use.

3.     Don’t provide an attractive environment

Pests have a specific habitat they need in order to grow. Make sure that you don’t provide them with dark and musty places to live. More often than not, pest attack the attic or the basement, try to make sure that you clean them regularly and that there is enough natural lighting in there.

Make sure that your house is not cluttered as it can provide many hiding places for pests. You won’t even know that your house has been infiltrated until it’s too late. Apart from decluttering your house, you should also stick to a strict cleaning schedule so that you can catch any problems in the beginning phase and get it sorted out. While cleaning every day may seem a little too demanding, try to clean at least two to three times a week, that way you will have a better idea of what is happening around the house and if you need to fix anything.

4.     Drain all standing water

Pests like mosquitos live on standing water, not only are they dangerous, they can cause diseases such as malaria. Apart from mosquitos, there are many other bacteria and parasites that live on standing water. Make sure that you drain all standing water from time to time.

Standing water gives off a bad smell, and can become a breeding ground for different kinds of germs. Not only can it cause a pest infestation, but it can also lead to many medical problems. 

5.     Dispose of leftovers properly

Another way to make sure that pests don’t infest your house is to take care of the leftovers properly. Make sure that you put your leftovers in the bin and close the bin properly. Make sure that you clean up after your pet on a regular basis. Little pieces of food get stuck to their hair and fall around the house. Such food is an open invitation for any pest that can get in. If one mouse visits your house, others won’t be far behind.

When you’re disposing of your organic trash, try to make sure that the dumpsters are far from the house. Never leave open trash cans outside as the smell, and the availability of food will make your house a welcoming site for different kinds of pests.

6.     Maintain pet hygiene

Another way pests can come inside your house is with your pets. If your garden has some moist and dark places make sure that your pets don’t go there. Pests such as fleas attach to your pets and come inside your home without you knowing. Make sure that you have a cleaning station near the door so you can clean your pet before they come inside. Since most pets have no restrictions within the houses, the pests are transferred to every room. Once such pests attack the house, you will ultimately have to call an exterminator. So, in order to make sure that you don’t have to come to this, you should surely give your pets a bath if you suspect they’ve been in shady places.

If you’ve gone through the above-mentioned ways to prevent a pest infestation, then you get up and start getting through them one by one. After you’ve crossed off the above-mentioned list, you’ll be safe from any problems. However, if you already have a pest problem, then a pest exterminator is the only option that will be effective. Rather than waiting for a problem to happen and then taking care of it, it is better to be proactive and ensure that you don’t have to face the problem at all.

Author Bio:

Cora James is a blogger who loves to write about home improvement as well as its maintenance. She is an extrovert, believes in creativity and loves to re-model almost everything! You can read more about her posts at


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