Treat Flea Bites on Dogs: Useful Tips You Should Know

Fleas are minuscule, infuriating insects that mainly like to live on your dogs. Flea bites usually just tend to cause minor itching and annoyance, however, in some cases, your dogs can have an allergic reaction to flea bites. This will cause intense itching, pain, swelling and then excessive hair loss.

Fleas often love to live in the shadowy and damp areas in our gardens, and unfortunately, our dogs tend to play around and lie in these areas. Consequently, the chances of their being infested outdoors are higher than usual. Generally, flea infestations are a common problem you often have to deal with when you raise a pet, therefore, you should take time to find out how to treat flea bites on dogs. Save your dogs, and save yourself.

treat flea bites on dogs

Bites caused by fleas are not only itchy, but can also be painful. If you see some small, red bumps in a group on the skin, they may be flea bites. Many people find it easy to observe flea bites on our own hairless bodies, but when covered by fur like your dog is, it is much more difficult to see them.

However, to figure out if your dog is flea infested is not really challenging because some your dog’s behavioral changes when it has an allergy will be clear signals. For example, he will scratch, bite and chew at his skin more than usual. He will have more than usual hair loss, and his skin will be red and swollen in places.

Another way to a identify a flea infestation is by looking at yourself. If you make out flea bites on your body, the fleas may very well have come from your dogs. Once you’ve identified that you do in fact have a flea problem, it’s a good idea to read the following information thoroughly to find out how to treat the flea bites on your dogs.

8 Tips to Treat Fleas Bites on Your Dogs

Give your dog a bath

treat flea bites on dogs

Bathing your dog is the first step in getting rid of fleas on your dog. It will ease the itching and kill some of the fleas. There are a lot of flea products for dogs on the market, from shampoos to dips. However, finding the right shampoo is not as easy as many people think. It’s h​elpful to read online reviews of the various products, or else chat to your veterinarian and see if they can recommend a product. An ideal flea shampoo should consist of a mixture of various ingredients, to soothe the skin as well as to kill the fleas.

Apply ice

To reduce itching immediately, ice is a good choice. Use warm, soapy water to first clean the bites and the areas around the bites as well. Next, take some ice cubes from your fridge and wrap them in a damp cloth, then apply them to the bitten areas for 2 to 3 minutes. Take a few minutes break and repeat this 3 or 4 times. If you consistently apply ice a few times a day, your dogs will not be as itchy as before.

Use baking soda

Baking soda and water are the perfect combination to ease your dog’s itching straight away. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with a little water. Use a cotton ball to apply this solution to the irritated areas. Leave it on for 5 minutes, then wash it off with cool water. If your dog’s whole body is itchy, you can also bath the dog in a mixture of water and baking soda.

Make use of vinegar

treat flea bites on dogs

Mix some pure apple cider vinegar and water in a big bowl and then pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spray it onto the bites to treat flea bites on dogs. Make sure you keep it away from the dog’s eyes, nose and ears. Application of this 3-4 times a day will soothe the itching and help the animal to stop scratching.

Take advantage of aloe vera

treat flea bites on dogs

Extract the gel of fresh aloe vera by cutting a leaf and squeezing out the gel to treat flea bites on your dogs. Spread it onto the bitten areas. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then use warm water to wash off gently. Repeat the application 2-4 times a day, every day, to achieve the best effects. You can store the remaining leaves in the fridge.

Utilize Indian lilac (neem oil)

Dilute one part of neem oil with 10 parts of almond oil. Afterwards, put it on the flea bites several times a day. If you don’t have almond oil, you can also combine water with neem oil, and then sprinkle it on your pet’s fur and let it dry out.

Use anti-allergy medication

Your “best friend” may be restless and miserable if he has an allergy to flea bites. If he is really struggling, don’t hesitate to ask your vet for anti-allergy creams or buy them from the local pharmacy.

Calendula gel

The gel form is good for soothing, cooling and providing immediate relief.

How to Protect Your Dogs from Fleas?

As you can see, there are many available products to treat flea bites on your dogs. Nonetheless, prevention is better than cure, so here are some useful tips to save your dog from being bitten in the first place.

Add garlic to your dog’s food

treat flea bites on dogs

It has been proven that adding a bit of garlic to your dog’s daily meals will repulse fleas. The fleas don’t like the smell and taste, so won’t want your dog’s blood. Garlic also has antimicrobial properties that improves the dog’s immune system and helps it fight infection if it does get bitten.

Provide more types of vitamins for your pets

Pets taking in regular vitamins have a lower chance of being infested by fleas. That’s why, as a pet owner, you should be sure to purchase a good quality food for your dog. Use nutritional supplements, available from your vet, if necessary.

Keep the environment clean

An unhygienic environment provides favorable conditions for pesky fleas to live and breed. Vacuum your house regularly, attaching great importance to any area that your pet often has contact with, such as carpets or the dog’s bedding. Wash your dog’s bedding regularly in hot soapy water.

To Sum Up

We hope that these tips will help you to keep your pet happy and free of fleas. Please note that after you have applied any method to treat flea bites on dogs, you will need to observe your pets afterwards in order to check for any allergic reaction to some of the ingredients in the medication. If you try our tips and are still struggling to eliminate fleas or itching on your dog, we recommend that you contact your veterinarian.

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton

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