Treat Flea Bites on Dogs: Useful Tips You Should Know

Fleas are minuscule, infuriating insects that mainly like to live on your dogs. Flea bites usually just tend to cause minor itching and annoyance, however, in some cases, your dogs can have an allergic reaction to flea bites. This will cause intense itching, pain, swelling and then excessive hair loss.

Fleas often love to live in the shadowy and damp areas in our gardens, and unfortunately, our dogs tend to play around and lie in these areas. Consequently, the chances of their being infested outdoors are higher than usual. Generally, flea infestations are a common problem you often have to deal with when you raise a pet, therefore, you should take time to find out how to treat flea bites on dogs. Save your dogs, and save yourself.

treat flea bites on dogs

Bites caused by fleas are not only itchy, but can also be painful. If you see some small, red bumps in a group on the skin, they may be flea bites. Many people find it easy to observe flea bites on our own hairless bodies, but when covered by fur like your dog is, it is much more difficult to see them.

However, to figure out if your dog is flea infested is not really challenging because some your dog’s behavioral changes when it has an allergy will be clear signals. For example, he will scratch, bite and chew at his skin more than usual. He will have more than usual hair loss, and his skin will be red and swollen in places.

Another way to a identify a flea infestation is by looking at yourself. If you make out flea bites on your body, the fleas may very well have come from your dogs. Once you’ve identified that you do in fact have a flea problem, it’s a good idea to read the following information thoroughly to find out how to treat the flea bites on your dogs.

8 Tips to Treat Fleas Bites on Your Dogs

Give your dog a bath

treat flea bites on dogs

Bathing your dog is the first step in getting rid of fleas on your dog. It will ease the itching and kill some of the fleas. There are a lot of flea products for dogs on the market, from shampoos to dips. However, finding the right shampoo is not as easy as many people think. It’s h​elpful to read online reviews of the various products, or else chat to your veterinarian and see if they can recommend a product. An ideal flea shampoo should consist of a mixture of various ingredients, to soothe the skin as well as to kill the fleas.

Apply ice

To reduce itching immediately, ice is a good choice. Use warm, soapy water to first clean the bites and the areas around the bites as well. Next, take some ice cubes from your fridge and wrap them in a damp cloth, then apply them to the bitten areas for 2 to 3 minutes. Take a few minutes break and repeat this 3 or 4 times. If you consistently apply ice a few times a day, your dogs will not be as itchy as before.

Use baking soda

Baking soda and water are the perfect combination to ease your dog’s itching straight away. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with a little water. Use a cotton ball to apply this solution to the irritated areas. Leave it on for 5 minutes, then wash it off with cool water. If your dog’s whole body is itchy, you can also bath the dog in a mixture of water and baking soda.

Make use of vinegar

treat flea bites on dogs

Mix some pure apple cider vinegar and water in a big bowl and then pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spray it onto the bites to treat flea bites on dogs. Make sure you keep it away from the dog’s eyes, nose and ears. Application of this 3-4 times a day will soothe the itching and help the animal to stop scratching.

Take advantage of aloe vera

treat flea bites on dogs

Extract the gel of fresh aloe vera by cutting a leaf and squeezing out the gel to treat flea bites on your dogs. Spread it onto the bitten areas. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then use warm water to wash off gently. Repeat the application 2-4 times a day, every day, to achieve the best effects. You can store the remaining leaves in the fridge.

Utilize Indian lilac (neem oil)

Dilute one part of neem oil with 10 parts of almond oil. Afterwards, put it on the flea bites several times a day. If you don’t have almond oil, you can also combine water with neem oil, and then sprinkle it on your pet’s fur and let it dry out.

Use anti-allergy medication

Your “best friend” may be restless and miserable if he has an allergy to flea bites. If he is really struggling, don’t hesitate to ask your vet for anti-allergy creams or buy them from the local pharmacy.

Calendula gel

The gel form is good for soothing, cooling and providing immediate relief.

How to Protect Your Dogs from Fleas?

As you can see, there are many available products to treat flea bites on your dogs. Nonetheless, prevention is better than cure, so here are some useful tips to save your dog from being bitten in the first place.

Add garlic to your dog’s food

treat flea bites on dogs

It has been proven that adding a bit of garlic to your dog’s daily meals will repulse fleas. The fleas don’t like the smell and taste, so won’t want your dog’s blood. Garlic also has antimicrobial properties that improves the dog’s immune system and helps it fight infection if it does get bitten.

Provide more types of vitamins for your pets

Pets taking in regular vitamins have a lower chance of being infested by fleas. That’s why, as a pet owner, you should be sure to purchase a good quality food for your dog. Use nutritional supplements, available from your vet, if necessary.

Keep the environment clean

An unhygienic environment provides favorable conditions for pesky fleas to live and breed. Vacuum your house regularly, attaching great importance to any area that your pet often has contact with, such as carpets or the dog’s bedding. Wash your dog’s bedding regularly in hot soapy water.

To Sum Up

We hope that these tips will help you to keep your pet happy and free of fleas. Please note that after you have applied any method to treat flea bites on dogs, you will need to observe your pets afterwards in order to check for any allergic reaction to some of the ingredients in the medication. If you try our tips and are still struggling to eliminate fleas or itching on your dog, we recommend that you contact your veterinarian.

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton

How to Treat Fleas on Kittens

Are your cute little kittens flea-ridden? Are these annoying, persistent fleas driving you crazy? You would like to use something to treat fleas on kittens but you are wondering if the products will be harmful to their health. Well, we have lined up some useful methods for you to deal with the situation without putting your kittens at risk.

How to identify a flea infestation on kittens

Fleas are very small jumping insects without wings that bite animals and humans and suck their blood. These tiny, dark-colored creatures can cause serious diseases such as plague, cat scratch disease, tapeworms, flea allergy dermatitis and so on. Therefore, if you don’t treat fleas on kittens, you will be exposing them and yourself to severe health risks.

When your kitten begins to scratch itself, it is time to check it for fleas. To do this, move the fur over the neck until you can see the skin beneath. Go through all the different points around this area and down the shoulders. If you see a small insect crawling into the fur, it is most likely a flea. If you see any small red bumps, they might be flea bites. Once you’ve determined that there are fleas, it’s important that you treat them as soon as possible.

Methods to treat fleas on kittens

There are many methods to treat fleas on kittens, yet some are best for different stages of the kittens’ life.

Newborn kittens

newborn kitten

Fleas never do anyone a favour, even vulnerable newborn kittens. They can be infested from their mother. They are so tiny and susceptible to harm from chemicals that you can do nothing but treat them manually.

Use your fingers or a pair of tweezers to grasp persistent fleas and drop them into hot, soapy water. Next, you must separate the mother and the kittens for a short time in order to quickly treat the mother cat for fleas.

Kittens under 8 weeks of age

treat fleas on kittens

Bathing your kitten in warm water with very mild detergent seems to be the most common and effective method of removing fleas from young kittens. Follow the following steps:

First gather together everything you need for the bath before fetching the kitten. You will need two towels, a flea comb, a mild cat shampoo, tweezers, a cup of hot, soapy water and a plastic bag. Lay down all these supplies near a sink, a tub, a large mixing bowl or anywhere you are going to be bathing your kitten.

Fill the sink with warm, not hot, water. It’s a good idea to fill an extra basin for rinsing all the shampoo off properly. Quickly dip your kitten into the water up to the neck for a few seconds to ensure that all the fur is wet. Dunk its feet in the water first and use a soothing voice to talk to it and keep it calm. Pick the cat up out of the bath and place it on a towel to apply the shampoo.

Pour a small amount of the mild cat shampoo onto your kitten’s back. Lather all over the kitten gently and thoroughly, paying special attention to hard-to-reach and sensitive areas such as the legs and paws. Do remember to avoid the eyes since the shampoo might lead to sore eyes.

Next, you should see fleas running to the kittens’s head and facial areas as they hate water and go for the driest zone. Utilize the tweezers or even your fingers to grab and drop them into the cup of hot, soapy water to kill them.

Soak your kitten up to its neck in the water again to rinse off all the shampoo. Don’t let any soap residue remain. Use the other clean towel to dry your kitten off. Give it some cuddles as you dry as much water off as you can.

In case some fleas escaped from your earlier catch, it is important to pick off all remaining creatures while the kitten’s fur is still wet. Make use of the flea comb or tweezers to do it easier. Again, don’t forget to drop them into the cup of hot, soapy water.

Place the dry, flea-free kitten in a safe area and use a plastic bag to gather up all bedding and blankets the kitten may have been exposed to and wash them in hot soapy water. Vacuum and clean any areas that the kitten has come into contact with to make sure that fleas don’t come back again, at least for a while.

Kittens over 8 weeks of age

treat fleas on kittens

Once the kittens are older, other than bathing them, you can use flea products for cats such as Advantage, Advocate, Frontline and Comfortis Tablets. All medications are determined by the kitten’s age and weight, consequently, you must check with your vet prior to applying anything.

Besides the many available chemical flea products on the market, there are some natural ingredients that you can use to control fleas:

Salt: salt is a readily available, cheap ingredient that chokes fleas to death. Directly sprinkle salt onto the carpet to kill flea eggs and larvae. This will break the life cycle of the flea. Do this twice a week to make sure that none remain. Afterwards, don’t forget to vacuum your carpets to get rid of all dead fleas and eggs. Salt is indeed powerful, but it tends to be useless in high humidity environments because of the fact that salt can absorb water and make your carpet damp.


Rosemary: rosemary is another simple and effective home remedy for fleas. Take some dry rosemary leaves and grind them to a powder. Sprinkle this powder over any area that your kitten has contact with. In addition, you also can prepare a rosemary dip for the kitten. Boil a pot of water and then steep a bunch of fresh rosemary in this water for a half of an hour. Wait until it becomes tepid and then dip your kitten into it. Not only will your kitten be flea-free but it will be fragrant. Put it in a sunny spot to dry off.our text here…

Lemon: cut some lemons into pieces and completely submerge them in boiling water. Steep them overnight. Pour this water into a clean spray bottle and spray the kitten and its surroundings. Alternatively, dip a cloth into the water and rub over any area that your kitten lays down in. Bear in mind that cats are quite sensitive to the smell of citrus, so you should avoid direct exposure to lemon on their skin.

Essential oils: give your cats an essential oil bath to help them overcome itchiness. Some commonly used essential oils for this purpose are lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus or cedarwood. Nonetheless, some of them are not safe for use on cats because of allergies, so it’s best to consult your vet before implementing any treatments.

Vinegar: mix distilled white vinegar and water in a proportion of 2:1. Gently shake to combine it and pour it into a spray bottle. Afterwards, just spray all potentially flea-infested areas.

After treatments on kittens

Right after you have treated fleas on kittens successfully, do remember to treat the environment as well. Wash all carpets, bedding, linen etc. in hot, soapy water. Vacuum frequently. Clean up your yard. Limit your kittens to outdoor exposure.

Last, but most importantly, always keep an eye on the kittens after treatment to make sure there are no allergic reactions or skin rashes. If you do notice any ill effects, do not hesitate to see your vet.

To sum up

In conclusion, there are many ways to treat fleas on kittens. No matter what method you choose, you must bear the age of the kittens in mind. You must give first priority to the kitten’s health and not use chemical sprays and dips if the kitten is too young. If any side effects emerge after the treatment, see your vet immediately. Do keep in mind that prevention is better than cure, so always keep a hygienic environment for yourself and your pets.

Where Do Fleas Live Outside?

Fleas truly deserve the name “annoying trouble makers” because they can recur so easily in spite of your attempts at flea prevention and cure. One of many victims made a call to his veterinarian with confusion: “Why do they come back after all the treatments I’ve tried?” He had tried everything to beat the fleas, from vacuuming every inch of the house to cleaning his pets frequently, and treating them with chemicals. What our victim forgot was that fleas also live and breed outside. In this article, let together explore more about fleas, such as what a flea infestation is, how they survive, and where do fleas live outside?

How does a flea infestation cause problems?

Before starting with the question “where do fleas live outside?”, we had better learn a little more about these creatures. Most people are aware that fleas are annoying, but not everyone realizes just how dangerous they can be.

Fleas have four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. As eggs and larvae, fleas are very small and can virtually hide anywhere. Once they’re adults, fleas have amazing jumping abilities. Although they’re only 4mm long, they can jump over 33cm.

Most importantly, fleas are blood-sucking creatures which not only cause itching of the skin, but can also spread serious diseases. Canine fleas (on dogs), feline fleas (on cats) and especially fleas on mice and rats are the most common ones that can lead to typhus, tularemia or bubonic plague. This is why it’s so important to take measures once a flea infestation has begun.

Where do fleas live outside?

It’s best to prevent them in the first place. This is why it’s good to know that they like to live in areas that are warm, shady, and humid.

Remember that of the four parts of their life cycle, fleas in the form of eggs and larvae are especially good at hiding and spreading. About 57% of fleas are in these forms. Being protected in a cocoon, flea larvae can develop and become adults within a week. Most importantly, as well as dangerously, a tiny flea like this can remain this form for up to five months (about 150 days). This is so long that they can easily catch onto any “host” passing through. Then, new life cycles begin and the fleas multiply rapidly.

If you have a flea problem, it’s a good idea to spray outdoor areas that are dark and humid with special flea treatments, as well as along walls and fences.

where do fleas live outside

Look closer at grass and leaf piles as well. Grass, especially underneath shrubs and in shadows, is usually more shady and humid than other places in an area. Unfortunately, these are the kind of places that both pets and people like to sit. On every fishing trip, and rest-time after hiking and walking, they tend to go to these shady areas. This gives fleas living there the perfect opportunity. Leaf piles are also ideal for fleas to live in.

Other places

Fleas live on pets

The most common place that fleas live in is on our pets, especially on dogs and cats. Our cats and dogs often play outside, and frequent places that fleas like to breed. The fleas jump onto the animals’ fur and immediately start to feed and breed. Mammals provide the perfect conditions for these creatures. Fleas quickly develop from an egg to an adult in about a week. Their life cycle repeats itself rapidly and the number of fleas explodes.


As a result, numerous bites cause your pets to itch and can make them scratch incessantly. Here’s a little advice for all pet owners- if you see any of your pets scratching, check their bodies, paying special attention to the neck, ears and underbelly. These are the places where you’ll most easily see fleas if there are any.

Fleas live on humans

As we said above, mammals with thick fur are the favorite place for fleas. So, what about humans? Do fleas live on us? Unfortunately, the answer is “yes”. With their awesome jumping ability, it’s easy for fleas to get onto you.

Living in a community, you are likely to go out every day for work, play, visits, thereby exposing yourself to places where they might hide. They are particularly easy to find in empty houses and apartments, especially ones with carpets or where pets used to live. They are also common in sandy areas.

In general, both pets and their owners can be the hosts of fleas. For this reason, it’s important to keep your outdoor areas clean and neat, and your indoor areas clean and well vacuumed at all times. Remember that fleas hide in the hard-to-reach corners of your home, so get the vacuum in there properly. Vacuum your mattresses and furniture regularly too.

Also remember to wash your pets’ bedding and baskets frequently, as fleas like to hide and breed in there. You should have a regular program of flea prevention for your pets such as shampooing and spraying.

To sum up

I hope that the information I’ve provided will be helpful to you, and will help you prevent fleas from taking over your home and garden. Knowing “where do fleas live outside” will help you to get to the root of the problem and get rid of it permanently. If you have more questions, feel free to leave your comment below this post and we can discuss more.

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton

How to Treat Flea Bites on Babies: Some Useful Tips You Should Know

Fleas are very small jumping insects without wings, that bite animals and humans and suck their blood. Pets, like puppies or kittens, are good fun, especially for your children; however, the fleas on them are not. Flea bites cause not only itching, but also more severe problems ranging from infections to even the plague in some countries. Flea bites are more serious in the case of vulnerable babies who cannot do anything to protect themselves. That’s why it is your responsibility to identify the symptoms and know how to treat fleas on babies in order to prevent them from suffering from unnecessary pain.

Causes of flea bites on babies

Let’s get started with the reasons for flea bites on your children. There are many ways that your baby could have become bitten. Fleas drop off your pets, your pets are hugged by your children, and then fleas jump onto them. In other situations, babies crawl on the carpet or floor. Carpets are one of the most common places for flea eggs to hatch and fleas to hide. Fleas dwelling in the carpet will jump onto babies while they are crawling.

Sometimes, fleas come from unhygienic surroundings like the garbage or dust outside, then adult fleas come into your house and bite your children. Sandpits where children play outside are another place that fleas like to live and breed. When the children play in the sand, they get bitten.

Identifications of the flea bites’ symptoms

Next, we need to look at how you will know if your child has been bitten by fleas. Usually flea bites appear as red, swollen spots on the skin. Many people might confuse flea bites and mosquito bites, but in fact, they do look different.

Despite the fact that both cause itching, mosquito bites often are isolated while flea bites occur in a pattern, group or cluster. Looking closely, you will see a small red dot at the center of bitten area, where a flea bit the skin to drink blood.

flea bites on baby

Normally, bites appear on body areas that are most accessible, like the arms and legs, but if you have a flea infestation, such as in your bed or carpet, your baby may get bitten on the neck, back or shoulders as well.

Flea bites cause severe itching. Scratching may result in skin infections. Some symptoms of an infection are redness, swollen glands, pain in the bitten areas, possible skin leakage or bites that become larger due to swelling. Flea bites are not a matter to be ignored, and it’s important to know how to treat flea bites on babies and take measures as soon as possible.

Treatments of flea bites on babies

Try your best to stop your children from scratching

As mentioned earlier, scratching tends to be a cause of infection. When these pesky insects feed, they excrete. Nasty bacteria are going to soil the area around the bite, and if it gets scratched, they will go into the bloodstream. Say “no” to scratching! If your baby is small and cannot stop scratching, put a pair of mittens on his hands.

Keep the area clean

Make sure that the bitten areas are clean at all times to prevent infection, especially since babies tend to scratch. Use mild soap to wash the skin thoroughly before applying any medication or lotion.

Use a cold compress

If the affected area is itchy and swollen, a quick remedy can consist of an ice pack applied to the area. The cool temperature helps relieve any swelling, as well as temporarily eases any itchiness.

Use calamine lotion

calamine lotion

Calamine lotion contains zinc oxide, which helps relieve itching. It also has antiseptic properties to help prevent the bites from getting infected. Some preparations are also available in combination with other anti-itch medications for a stronger effect.

Apply an anti-inflammatory cream

You can use topical creams like 1% hydrocortisone on your baby. Hydrocortisone and similar medications are effective in treating swelling due to skin conditions and even insect bites. They are readily available over-the-counter from a pharmacy.

Note that using steroid creams are only advisable when the swelling gets severe, because even if they are safe to use, it’s best to use them only after trying other medications due to their potency. Also, use these creams only for a limited period to avoid any reactions from the sudden termination of their use.

Give your baby anti-allergy medication

Certain anti-allergy drugs like Benadryl and Chlor-Trimeton are also helpful in relieving the itching caused by flea bites. These drugs are available in syrup form for babies and children and can be given in a small oral dose, depending on your baby’s weight and age. Check the label for information on how much to give.

Apply some essential oils

Dilute a little tea tree oil in a carrier oil or lotion. Dab it on the flea-bitten areas. This can help relieve the swelling and prevent any bacterial infections. Other topical preparations containing peppermint, basil or lavender oils can help as well. These oils help calm and soothe the irritation and itching.

Try aloe vera

Famous for its skin moisturizing properties, aloe vera also contains active compounds that help relieve itchiness and pain. It is available in various topical forms, such as lotion or ointment, and can help soothe and soften the skin to promote healing.

Prevent any further bites

Treatment for flea bites is not complete without taking measures to prevent any future occurrences. Apply insect repellent sprays or lotions to your baby’s clothing as well as bed sheets and blankets. Commercial repellents contain a chemical called permethrin, which works well to prevent fleas and other insects from getting onto beds, mattresses, sheets and sleeping bags.

If you prefer natural repellents, citronella oil and neem oil work well. When applying insect repellents to the body, make sure to avoid any areas near the mouth and eyes as well as their hands since they might suck their fingers or rub their eyes.

Eliminate fleas on your pets with flea shampoo and medication, and keep your physical surroundings clean.

To keep your babies and yourself safe, get rid of any chances of future flea infestations. Prevention is the best cure. Call the experts if the situation is beyond your ability.

To sum up

Flea bites usually appear as red, sometimes swollen spots on the skin. If you have a cat or dog at home, chances are that some red bumps on the skin appearing in clusters are due to fleas. Though not always harmful, these are very itchy and can cause great discomfort, especially for children and babies. Scratching these bites may also lead to skin infections and blistering, so it’s important to know how to treat flea bites on babies. The recommended tips on how to treat flea bites on babies will help you keep your baby as comfortable as possible.

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton

How To Get Rid of Fleas on Cats Fast?

What happen when a flea infestation hits? Usually, you’ll be willing to try all possible treatments. Some of them might protect your cats when the others seem not to work effectively. It can be terribly confusing! It is not easy to choose the most practical ways of treating and preventing a flea infestation. In this article – “how to get rid of fleas on cats fast”, we’ll together have a look at some effective treatments to keep you safe from this nightmare of fleas.

Fleas really can be a problem, and they are not something you want in your home, given the choice. A flea infestation can destroy your tranquil days. They not only cause annoying symptoms such as itching and allergies, but they are also the root cause root of diseases threatening your pets, such as tapeworm and anaemia. That’s why it’s a good idea to nip a flea infestation in the bud with the tips and advice below.

Signs Of A Flea Infestation

The first and the most important thing is to recognize a flea infestation as soon as possible. It is important to minimize the consequences since fleas have an amazing lifecycle, which is very, very short. Pet owners are usually confused about how to get rid of fleas on cats fast. They have very little knowledge and information about fleas. As a result, when they do become aware of fleas on their pets, it’s sometimes too late.

In fact, every flea infestation has its own signs that owners can see by observing the daily habits of their pets. These four signals are the most common ones: itching, scratching, flecks and skin allergies.

Preparation For A Urgent Treatment

The next time you see your cats scratching or notice some dirty flecks together with an allergy on their skin, it probably is a flea attack. It’s important to take immediate action to prevent it from becoming worse. Fleas are not easy to completely eradicate, but the longer you leave them, the more difficult and expensive it’s going to be.

You’ll need to vacuum the house, comb your pets, do some serious cleaning, and purchase some flea products for cats as flea shampoo, and flea medicine. It’s a good idea to enlist the support and advice of your veterinarian too.

Treatments For Cats

We all know that cats are the host of fleas. So, to answer the question: “how to get rid of fleas on cats fast”, we must make use of medical products to treat the cats and use cleaning products for them as well.

Flea Products For Cats

There are many available medicinal flea products for cats. They have their own usage and effectiveness. Most common are topical treatments, such as shampoo, powder, and sprays. Collars are available which are impregnated with flea repellent. You can use the topical product directly on your cats’ skin and it will work quite quickly.

flea products for cats


There are a few things you should look out for: topical products are mostly chemical, which means that they can be toxic. Owners who do not keep to the required dosage and use them in excess can easily get into serious trouble. Instead of healing their animals, they will be unintentionally making the flea infestation worse and may be poisoning their pets.

Cleaning Cats

Medication can reduce the number of fleas, but there may still be traces of them left on their fur and skin. The second step helps us solve this. This is to clean the cats – an important step to solve the problem: “how to get rid of fleas on cats fast”. Some people use a vacuum on their cats, but most of them do not like the noise.

combing cat


A better way is to try to clean them with a fine-toothed comb. It is recommended that you prepare a glass of soapy water. Soapy water will kill any fleas left alive after the medicinal treatment. You should dip the flea comb into the water after each time you pull the comb through your cats’ fur. Remember to separate the cats that have already been combed from those who haven’t yet been done.

Prevention For House And Garden

Followed thoroughly, the two steps above are very simple as well as effective. But killing the existing fleas is not enough. Prevention is better than cure. So the third step is a preventative one. Cats like to go outside and sometimes cover quite a large territory. Fleas are able to exist far away from cats and pets for 150 days (about 5 months). They usually survive in warm, shady, humid places, such as under trees, in leaf piles, and in sheds. These are exactly the kind of places where cats like to play and hunt. Because of this, we need to take measures to eliminate fleas from the yard as well.

Firstly, keep your house immaculately clean (or you can use a be​st electronic pest repeller to get rid of fleas). Houses have many dark crevices and nooks: under the bed, along the floorboards, under blankets, and under furniture. These are places that more than half of all flea egg will be deposited in. They need just a day to develop and form flea larvae, and a week to become adults.

Once they have reached the adult stage, they almost seem to have superpowers! They can jump a distance of 33 centimeters (about 80 times more than their own length). If a cat passes by, it is no difficulty at all for the flea to jump onto it. Unfortunately, many people do not realize this and are not aware of how important it is to thoroughly clean their house.

Next, we tackle the yard. Remember to keep the grass cut short and to clear away any garden refuse. Besides this, according to, you can also use oral medications and nematodes, which are biological methods of eliminating fleas from your yard within a day. Nematodes are a type of natural enemy of fleas. The yard outside is an ideal environment for both nematodes and fleas, so the number of fleas will be controlled effectively if you bring nematodes in.

To Sum Up

Cats are one of the most sensitive pets to fleas. Once your cats get fleas, they not only have to face the annoyance of itching and allergies, but they may also contract some dangerous diseases. However, fleas can be stopped and we can keep our pets safe from them. After exploring the three treatments above, I hope that I’ve helped you to answer the question “How to get rid of fleas on cats fast?” and that you’ve gained some have valuable knowledge as a pet owner.

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton

How to Flea Bomb a House?

Is a flea infestation in your home driving you crazy? Among the options of sprays, traps and flea bombs, you probably have not known what elimination method to choose. Each of these products has its own pros and cons. However, if you are facing a bad situation in a large space, a flea bomb might be the right choice. Having purchased one canister, do you find that you don’t know how to flea bomb a house? This article is just what you need.

What is a flea bomb?

A flea bomb, also called as a flea fogger, is a small aerosol canister containing insecticide. Generally, the insecticides used are cypermethrin, methroprene, nylar, permethrin and tetramethrin, which will take on the responsibility for killing your flea outbreak. When you push down the trigger, the entire contents of the can are sprayed upward like a mist.

You should remember that flea bombs often achieve only an 80% removal rate in a furnished house. Because of the fact that flea bombs work best in an empty room and that the chemicals can damage your furniture, you should remove as many items as you can from your house to allow the insecticide to penetrate better. Better yet, have your furniture and appliance insured in times like this that you have to do flea bombing. How to do that? Apply for a home insurance, but make sure you have a good credit history or your ChexSystems Score is good enough because insurance companies might look for your credit history when approving your insurance application. Click here to know more about it.

How to flea bomb a house?​​​​


In whatever we do, preparation always plays a key role to success. In the process of killing fleas, what should you do prior to bombing?

The chemicals may be dangerous for all living things in your house while they are sprayed. Therefore, make sure that all people and pets are removed far away from the house for 8 to 9 hours after fogging. As for fish tanks, seal them up with a drop cloth or move them out if possible.

Completely turn off the electricity. The ingredients in flea bombs are flammable, so it is crucial to get rid of any potential sources of flame or else your house might blow up. Besides that, protect your food, cooking utensils, dishes, toiletries and any sensitive items from toxins.

On the one hand, close all exterior doors and windows. Place a sign on the door that dangerous insecticides are in use. On the other hand, open all interior doors and even closets if there is no clothing inside. This will allow the chemicals to reach everywhere.

Thoroughly clean your home to force hidden insects out of their hiding places. Vacuum very well, and attach special importance to places where your pet regularly visits like carpeting, benches, curtains, bedding and more.

Wear protective gear like a mask, gloves, boots and clothing. Always pay special attention to safety because the chemicals can be detrimental to your health, therefore, please restrict your exposure to them to the lowest possible level. Never start bombing before you have your protective gear on.

Purchase a good quality brand flea bomb. The more trustworthy the brand is, the higher your level of success will be. Make use of each and every source of information available to you such as veterinarians, friends, family, online feedbacks and reviews and so on. Do work out what the best is via your search. Work out the area of your home and how many canisters you will need.

Start bombing

Put one canister on some sheets of old newspaper. Do the same for other canisters in different places. This step can help stop the residues of the product from staining the floor directly around the flea bomb.

Check the process of preparation once more time listed above to ensure that you don’t skip anything. Read the instructions on the package thoroughly to know exactly how to use your product and any other noteworthy points, then put on all your protective gear.

Shake up the chemicals. Use the flea fogger by pushing the trigger down really hard. If you don’t do it well, the bomb might stop when you release the trigger. In case of dealing with a flea infestation in many different rooms, it is highly recommended that you ask for a companion to help you set off the other bombs. You can watch this video for more information:

On counting to three, you and your friend both push down the triggers and then run for the door as fast as possible. This will definitely help you minimize your exposure to the toxic fog. Finally, close and lock the door behind you, then stay away from your house for the next 9 hours. 

After bombing

After about 9 hours, come back home, remove and discard the newspaper and empty bombs, and open all the windows and doors in order to let the air circulate for around an hour. You also can turn on the fans and air conditioners to speed up the process.

After fogging, the surfaces in your home will be coated in a layer of dangerous pesticide, so cleaning thoroughly is a really important step (house cleaning – Simplymaid). Before starting to vacuum the floors, wipe down the counter tops with a wet soapy cloth and wash any items that have potentially been exposed to the mist. Do wear gloves and a mask while doing so.

Do not vacuum your house immediately as they are still a safe place for fleas. Do it after around 2 days to get rid of all dead eggs.

Repeat this task every two months to eliminate this problem for good. 

Tips for using flea bombs safely and effectively

Because the chemicals need plenty of time to kill fleas and they are not good for your health, the best time to bomb a house is just before you go on holiday with the family.

Bear in mind that flea bombs cannot achieve a 100% removal rate, as a result, you ought to apply several different treatments at the same time, especially pet treatments since pets are usually the sources of flea infestations.

Other things you should remember: 

  • There must be no exposure to your pets. 
  • No electricity must be on while implementing the treatment. 
  • Use only one single canister per room. No more. 
  • Don’t use the bombs in an enclosed space, like a cupboard. 
  • Be careful of using flea bombs when anyone in your home suffers from an asthma problem.
  • Never breath in the gas from the bombs, wear protective clothes and try to expose yourself to the mist as little as possible.
  • Move your bird feeders far away from the windows. 

To Sum Up

Taking everything into consideration, flea bombs are an effective flea control method. Each flea fogger can treat an area of up to 5000 cubic feet and most will prevent further flea infestations for up to 6 months.

Besides that, some annoying insects such as silverfish, ants and cockroaches are also killed by these insecticides. However, because of their toxic chemicals, you should not abuse them and must exactly know how to flea bomb a house in the right way.

I hope this article has been helpful to you, and wish you all the best as you eliminate these pests from your living space.

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton

Do Flea Bombs Work?

Do flea bombs work? Many people ask themselves this question, and the hundreds of available controversial answers might make them confused. Flea bombs have been specially formulated to kill fleas, but like any other methods, these tools have their advantages and disadvantages. Let’s have a look at what a flea bomb is, why it can kill fleas, how we can use it to vacate fleas. After that, you will have your own answer.


What is a flea bomb?

Flea bombs are also known as flea foggers. Basically, foggers contain an insecticide to control adult, biting fleas. As the name says, they work by pressing the trigger and letting a pesticide-infused fog that covers the room. 

When you push the trigger down, the entire contents of the can are sprayed upward like a mist. This fog falls to the ground where it sticks to the surface. To put it differently, using these products will result in surfaces full of the pesticide. The pesticide remains on the surface for a long period of time, so it has a long-acting effect.

How to use a flea bomb

Do flea bombs work? The answer is yes, but you must follow the correct procedure to ensure they work properly. 

  • Prepare prior to flea fogging

First and foremost, you need to clean thoroughly your home in order to force the insects out of their hiding places. Vacuum as well as possible and pay special attention to the places where your pet regularly visits like carpeting, benches, curtains, bedding and more.

Collect all clothing and toiletries and then wrap them up in polythene bags so that the toxic fog cannot contaminate these items. Once you have finished fogging, just take them out and they will be as clean as before. Remove all plants, eating utensils, food and loose furniture to protect them from the toxic mist. Seal up or move your fish tank.

Use old newspaper to shield your floors. Tightly close all windows and unplug the electrical equipment while the process is underway because these products are potentially flammable. Open doors and drawers inside your house wide, letting the chemicals from the bomb do their job.

Don protective gear like a mask, gloves, boots and clothing. Always give safety the top priority because the chemicals can be damaging to your health. Therefore, please restrict your exposure to them as much as you can.

Buy a quality brand flea bomb. To obtain the best answer about which brand of flea bomb is best, make use of the many available sources such as veterinarians, friends, family, online feedbacks and reviews and so on. Each piece of advice might not be the same, so you should follow up with your own research.

Last, but not least, plan an outing or a place to stay for about 8 hours after placing the bomb. You will need to leave the premises for this amount of time after fumigating to allow the poison to dissipate.

  • Implement bombing

Put a sheet of newspaper on the floor (in the middle of the room) and place one of the canisters on it. This step will help stop the residues of the product from staining the floor directly around the flea bomb.

Strictly follow the instructions on the packaging to make a decision on the quantity that your house needs. After having put on your protective gear, shake the fogger well. Open the flea fogger by pushing the release valve hardly, and start bombing your house. Please refer to the video below for more information:

  • Follow-up activity

After about 8-10 hours, you come back and open up all the windows, turn on some fans, get your house cleared out, throw away the newspapers and empty canisters and leave again. Let it sit empty for an hour or so, just letting your house air out because there’s a deadly pesticide in your house and you don’t want to breathe that in. After this time, you can bring back your pots and plants.

Vacuum every room. Sweep every room, wipe down all the furniture, wash all the linen, wash all dishes and generally anywhere else that the pesticide could have landed on, because it is potentially harmful. Nonetheless, you should not vacuum the carpets and curtains immediately. Just do it after around 2 days to get rid of all dead eggs.

Last but most importantly, to keep your room flea-free, you will need to vacuum daily. Prevention is better than cure. 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of flea bombs? 

There are some disadvantages of these foggers, but these tend to be outweighed by the advantages. 

  • Disadvantages

The chemicals may fail to reach some hidden or covered areas, for example, the spaces below the furniture. These positions can easily become shelters for remaining fleas. Fleas in there will not be affected by the bomb, and will not be killed. That is the reason why you should leave your carpets for 2 days after fogging and then vacuum.

The chemicals are bad for your pets, so never let them be exposed to these dangerous substances. You do need to treat your pets with flea medicine as well, as they are one of the sources of flea in your home. 

  • Advantages

In spite of some shortcomings, many people prefer flea bombs to traps or spray products because of their following strengths:

Flea bombs can treat an entire medium-sized house or an area of up to 5000 cubic feet.

There are no lingering odors or sticky messes.

Flea bombs leave a residue which is supposed to prevent flea infestation for a long time ( up to 6 months). Plus, they also are effective for other kinds of insect pests such as silverfish, ants and cockroaches.

Most flea bombs on the market are affordable, convenient and easy-to-use. 

To sum up

After reading this post: “Do Flea Bombs Work?”, you now know the basic information about flea bombs. To treat a large space with a serious flea infestation, flea bombs are certainly not a bad choice. Nevertheless, for them to work at their best, you need to follow all the steps we have outlined, ranging from before, during and after fogging.

Thanks for reading!

Richard Clayton